Colored Interior lights


Colored Interior lights for all trucks included new MP4 mod tested with 1.18.1 choose the Beacon icon in the spare parts shop. use the “O” button on the key board to turn it ON/OFF.
Edited by Ghass72

Ghass72, rikelto, jagerma, lourtekq


6 thoughts on “Colored Interior lights

  1. Doesn’t even work..

  2. Jezz you must use the colored items not the main beacon in that section, ( just for clarification )

    1. I know that lol Ghass.. even tryed all colors but non of them work in my Actros..

  3. Pretty good! it works.thank you for your effort~

  4. Bei mir geht das mit der Taste O nicht da geht nur das Rundumlicht auf dem Dach an

  5. For Volvo fh2012 by ohaha doesn’t work.. :((

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