Month: May 2019

Tesla Model S P85D Fix + Edit (Kliment Abramov)

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Most of the work was with sounds to get closer to realistic!
Fixed Engine Torque(Power)
Added Car StartUp sound “No seat belt”
Added Realistic Blinker Sound
Added Error-Warning Sound (Engine Shutdown, Engine not start – no fuel, demaged)
Fixed Brakes

Avaible In All Dealers

Email for questions, bugs and offers – [email protected]
Please Don’t use this edit for our mod. Use original mod!

Больше всего работы было с звуками, чтобы приблизится к реалистике!
Исправлена сила двигателя, теперь она ближе к реальной P85D.
Добавлен звук при старте двигателя “Не пристёгнут ремень”
Добавлен реальный звук поворотников.
Добавлен звук Ошибки – Предупреждения (Выключение двигателя, Не запустился двигатель – нет топливо, много урона)
Исправлены тормоза.

Доступно во всех диллерах

Э-Почта для вопросов, багов и предложений – [email protected]
Пожалуйста не используйте эту версию для своего мода, используйте оригинальный мод!

Kliment Abramov, Hüseyin Karadana

DOWNLOAD 51 MB [Sharemods]
DOWNLOAD 51 MB [Modsbase]

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DAF F241 Skin

Imaginary company just for SLEEPER CAB!
Looks nice with wood trailer. Its old but you can tell it was good taken care of ,years of hauling wood left some marks on it but he still holding his head high :)))

Truck: XBS Skin: Grave


Italian Radio Stations v 1.8

Here you can find a list of Italian Radio Stations URL, to use into the game. Every URL was tested by me, i can guarantee it work.
In the MOD, you can find some of the most famous radio stations in Italy, together with other less know.
If some users wants some particular station to add, or wants to report some problems with the MOD or some radio stations, he can contact me sending an mail to this e-mail adress: [email protected]

In this way, i can read you more fast than commenting the MOD.

Qui potete trovare una lista di radio Italiane, dalle più famose alle meno famose, tutte perfettamente funzionanti (le ho testate una ad una).
Nel caso aveste qualche particolare radio da richiedere, potrete farmelo presente, e cercherò di provvedere ad aggiungerla in tempi brevi. In caso di problemi con la MOD o con qualche stazione radio, vi invito a segnalarmelo, preferibilmente tramite e-mail ( [email protected] ), o altrimenti commentando la MOD in basso (in questo caso potrei non essere rapido a rispondere).
La lista è in costante aggiornamento, in seguito rilascerò delle nuove MOD aggiornate.

Qui sotto, la lista delle stazioni radio che potrete trovare.

-Radio 105 (e tutte le radio tematiche di 105: Classics, Dance 90, Zoo Radio, Hits, Trap, Story, Hip Hop & R’n’B, 2K and More, In Da Klubb, Miami, Rap Italia, Radio Bau, Music Star: Elisa, Music Star: George Michael, Music Star: Jovanotti, Music Star: Tiziano Ferro, Music Star: Pino Daniele, Music Star: Zucchero)

-Radio MonteCarlo (e tutte le radio tematiche: RMC Lovesongs, RMC: Music Star: Giorgia, MonteCarlo Nights Story, Great Artists, RMC 90, RMC 80, New Classics, Marine, Radio Kay Kay)

-Virgin Radio (e tutte le radio tematiche: Music Star, Radio Rock Hits, Rock Classics, Rock 70, Rock 80, Rock Party, Hard Rock, Rock Alternative, Music Star: Rolling Stones, Music Star: Vasco Rossi, Music Star: Ligabue, Music Star: Coldplay)

-Radio Number One
-Radio Azzurra FM
-Radio Jukebox
-Radio City
-Otto FM
-Radio Manila
-Radio Party Groove
-Radio Latte e Miele
-Radio Nostalgia
-Radio Globo
-Radio 19
-Radio Sabbia
-Radio Studio Delta
-Radio Margherita
-Radio Margherita Giovane
-RAI Radio 1 / 2 / 3
-Radio 35×80 Back To The 80’s
-Milano Lounge Radio
-Radio Onda Ligure
-Dimensione Suono Roma
-Radio Sanremo
-Punto Radio
-Vintage MegaMix
-Radio Circuito Solare – Caserta
-Radio Dance Music
-Radio Nuoro Centrale
-Radio Yacht
-Skyline Radio & Soul
-FM Italia
-Radio Kiss Kiss
-Radio Lombardia
-RAI Isoradio
-Radio Studio +
-Radio Subasio
-Radio Gamma Puglia
-Radio 80
-Radio Gelosa
-RSI Rete Uno
-Radio Amore Campania
-Antenna 1
-Radio Dimensione Mix (Pop ’70, ’80, ’90)
-RTR 99 (Pop ’80 / ’90)
-70s 80s 90s RIW Vintage Channel
-House Nation (House)
-Radio Italia Network (Pop/Trance/Electro)
-Radio Savona Sound
-Rv-1 Genova
-Radio Gold Alessandria
-Radio Piterpan
-Easy Network
-Radio Birikina
-Radio Vicenza FM
-Radio Padova
-Radio Clodia
-Radio Danza
-Alpha Radio Italia
-Radio FLY Italia
-Radio Bombo
-Radio Time 90


1. Aggiunte alla lista le seguenti radio:
– RTL 102.5 (e le sue radio tematiche: RTL Best, RTL Italian Style, RTL Groove, RTL Lounge)
– RadioFreccia
– Radio Zeta L’Italiana
– Radio MonteCarlo 2
– Radio Marte
– RGS – Radio Grandi Successi

P.S. Altre radio da voi richieste, come Deejay, Capital, M2O e altre, sto provando a metterle, ma gli URL forniti non funzionano. Appena ne troverò di funzionanti, verranno immesse anche quelle.



No Viewfinder for ETS 2 1.35 versions

This is a simple mod for those, who use thrid party post-processing programms like ReShade or SweetFX, to take screenshots without the viewfinder in the photo studio or you just don’t like the viewfinder and want to get rid of it.

Eitherway, this small mod will accomplish your goal. ?




Kenworth W990 And Peterbilt 387 v 1.0 for 1.34-1.35.x

Kenworth W990 And Peterbilt 387 For ETS 1.32-1.31 . This mod is not perfect and may crash your game at times when going to the scania dealer. If you may not know, the file for this peterbilt was “damaged / corrupted” meaning that us modders can not open the file. I managed to get around this but left some problems.
—————————————————————————————————————————-= Standalone
= Trailer Cable support
= 3 Types of Cabins
= 18 Chassis Options
= A large number of engines and transmissions
= 8 Interiors
= A large number of tuning
When you enter the truck dealer once you enable the mod DO NOT move your mouse or click anything until everything has loaded in. If your game crashes like mine just restart it and it should be fine. Once it is loaded in go ahead and click configure and then right after go out of the config menu and back to the truck browser. At this point instead of the truck name being N/A it should now be Peterbilt 281-351 Day Cab. From there you can click configure and set up your truck as you wish. Enjoy!
PS. I did not add anything to the truck but simply just updated it to 1.33-1.34 and also this is only “Beta” because im working on a fix for getting the crashed fixed and the name of the truck in the truck browser fixed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Tested on profile with default ETS 2 maps (including Oregon DLC) and default ETS 2 trucks.



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