A Large Package of road, off-road and Winter Wheels

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-Big package of road, off-road and winter wheels for all European, Russian and American tractors from different authors

-In the package there is:
For all tractor units:
-50 varieties of tires
-104 varieties of the disk
-17 varieties of hoods
-41 variety of hubs
-11 varieties of nuts

In version 1.1:

-Added 2 tires
-Added 3 hoods
-Updated 3D models

In version 1.2:

-Added Michelin tires (several options)
-Added wheels for trailers, including fashion (except trailers from DLC Heavy Cargo and heavy)

In the version 1.3:

-Added 14 tires (including off-road)
-Added 19 drives
-Added nuts and hubs

The author of the assembly:Genius



9 thoughts on “A Large Package of road, off-road and Winter Wheels

  1. где файл scs?

    1. where file scs?

    2. sdonbass18

      Plug in zip format, it will work

  2. sdonbass18

    Подключай в формате zip,будет раблтать

  3. jorgent97

    Hd video 1.30..

  4. Great!

  5. Download Now ok !
    copy “folder” ??? how ?

  6. ardi rama

    how to use this mod

  7. do not download, it installs thousands of files and it does not work! Ban this profile, and fast !

    no scs files ATTENTION

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