A.W. Jenkinson skin


Only works with Volvo



8 thoughts on “A.W. Jenkinson skin

  1. Where did you get that lightbar from??? 🙂

  2. Kenneth Mühlbrandt author valby

    what do you mean

    1. Well, the ‘Lichtbalken’, the orange signal lights stretching over the complete truck, not the small signals you get in ETS2 🙂

  3. ###, this is amazing man, can I ask a huge favour? Could you possibly make a R440 Scania please like A.W Jenkinson also use!? You would make my day and my step-dad. he drives for jenko’s and has a Scania and it would be a nice suprise for him to come home to his truck on Euro Truck 🙂 Please please! Thanks a lot! 🙂

    1. Kenneth Mühlbrandt author valby

      sure m8 np

      1. Thanks a bunch! When do you think it will be done by?

  4. Can I just ask how did you mange to skin the grill, the roof and rear wheel covers ??


    1. Kenneth Mühlbrandt author valby

      jonesy i have a skinnable complete volvo in my hands hehe

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