Always same trailer


In this mod allways be: profiliner, coolliner and aerodynamic

If you want that mod only for one trailer type, contact me:
[email protected]



9 thoughts on “Always same trailer

  1. how do i install it??

  2. MisterOlla

    useless? i think it’s really interesting for Virtual companys.
    LaCoste, what about generating this mod only with Profiliner? =)

    1. Sure I can do it :))

      1. Hey,can you make it to schmied trailer?

    2. MisterOlla 😉
      it´s written under the picture : If you want that mod only for one trailer type, contact me:
      [email protected]

  3. Andy Atkinson

    Does this affect the AI (All trailers the same?)

  4. Fake! Dont work!

  5. jeffreysouilljee

    not fake StefanS, works fine for me.

    but could you make a version thats the same as this one, but add the schmitz universal 🙂 then it would be perfect for me and maybe some others

  6. Hi,can you update this for latest patch 1.14

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