Animated female and male passenger V2.1

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Version 1.1
Updated for version 1.33 of game

Version 2.0
Updated for version 1.36 of game

Version 2.1
In archive now you have 2 mods : one with girls, other with guys. Use the one you want !!!

Game crash if you try to change model to Melissa (it seems to be an engine limitation from SCS), so, you MUST have Melissa before adding this mod !!!!!!

Todor Alin BG


12 thoughts on “Animated female and male passenger V2.1

    1. Bad quality video, the beggar.

      1. SAY THANKS and by the way the quality not even bad

  1. Can you atleast make it work with the woman from sisl’s pack showing cleavage?

    1. jeanmichel


    2. Octavian101

      No because he’s not actually creating a brand new model with animations, he’s just taking a model with preset animations that already is in the game and badly implementing it for your truck.

  2. PolishDriverTruck

    Video Test 1.36…

  3. First you have to get Melissa. Buy One.
    Activate this mod. Animation is working.
    But only until when you not go to the service, then the game still Crashing …

  4. Thank you <3 Please, I wanted to add a child or a teenage and hot woman to the animated armchair. Thank you in advance

  5. The mod still doesn’t work, and I followed the instructions

  6. Unnecessary nonsense.

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