Autumn Herbstmod v4


1.4.1, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7, 1.4.8, 1.4.12,
Herbstmod(Autumn Mod)V4
With this mod you change the textures in the game Autumnal colors.
– New road textures
– Pavement textures now leaves
– New Tree Textures
– Hedges changed textures
– Lots of new textures in horizon
– Rather dark (about 19 clock), and later Hell (about 6 clock)
– New rain and thunder sound
– Sawmill new sound
– New Traffic Light colors
– Tires changed particles
– Etc.
tested on Promap and standard V17 with my Carefree Package
New in v 4.0 version:
– Modified asphalt textures
– Revised terrain textures should now have no more white stripes.



7 thoughts on “Autumn Herbstmod v4

  1. Si pe ultima versiune de joc merge ?
    1.5.2 e cam veche. Dar banuiesc ca nu ai jocul cumparat.

  2. merge si pe ultima versiune

  3. Very nice mod, but may I make a small suggestion. Lights on Ai traffic are not lighting up on the amended times and are hard to see in the twilight hours.

  4. i suggest you should add some fall leaves effect to make it more beautifull , nice mod btw , keep the good work!

  5. Sorry, but I posted that to make a mod like that when the latest version is v. this version is not interesting to anyone! If you want to be present, the need to improve for the latest version ( Sorry again … but you have no time to lose??

  6. The link was broken?

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