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This mod is open for Personal changes.
Bennekeben’s Advanced Camera Mod version 2.0 – 1.19
Tested on ets2 1.19.xx
An update of version 1.0
Includes the same functions but now with more features added !
This mod must have a Higher priority then any other mod.
Works for a few Stand alone scania’s if u want Your favorite truck
working aswell then let us know so we can add it to the next update.
The stand alone trucks must work on 1.19 to be added .
More screenshots on Steam
No new video(srry not enough time)
u can check out the Old video of version 1.0 it still includes the same features + Way more new in this version 2.0
See the info below to find out what this mod does.
What does this mod do ?
This mod changes alot of camera value’s to give u more variety in many ways.
Gives All Stock SCS trucks alot of movement possibilty on the seat adjustments + few Stand alone scania have been added..
More stand alone trucks can be added to activate this function for those aswell
What camera’s has been changed ?
***********Only works for Stock SCS added stand alone trucks*************
– Camera 1 : interior camera :
Gives u more rotation space with the mouse , this means that u can now look behind your shoulder
to enjoy more of the interior details.
Also when u press F4 (***3x f4 will open the correct menu) to adjust your seat u now have way more options to postition your camera. (See the interior screenshots)
***********Only works for Stock SCS added stand alone trucks*************
– Camera 2 : Exterior :
The oudside camera has been reworked so u can now zoom verry close/far of your truck with the mouse scroll functions.
also when u move your mouse u can create a top view on by increasing the angle.
– Camera 7 : Wheel Cam :
Just for fun i took the other Right Front wheel and place the cam a little more back.
– Camera 8 : TV Cam :
The tv cam changes camera postions a bit slower , this means that the truck needs to be be further away before the camera changes position.
for a Smoother driveby experiance
– Desktop menu : the main screen :
The depth has been changed , the truck appearance is a little different in the menu.
– Truck Config : truck shop :
When entering a Truck shop the camera has been changed so u can more easly acces every slot of the trucks modification.
Also the Zoom functions have been edited , u can now Zoom In/Out more then normal.
Its now easyer to acces all slots when Rotating & Zooming in/out/around the truck.. struggling and misclicking the wrong slot will be history!
– Photo Modus : Screenshot function :
When u now take a screenshot with the photo modus u can now add/decrease more/less value on effects with the original settings.
Lots of slider value’s have been increased/decreased to get that special effect screenshot.
Take some Special shots and Earn some fav’s and likes on your WOT profile..
or just Cruise and enjoy the ride as a passenger or from the back seat… Use the exterior camera and enjoy scs finest enviorment , set it on a top view and get that old scool gta feeling :D..
Stay updated, Report bugs, Give suggestions, be a Fan at our site !
If u want to share this mod, use the original link we provide and do not reupload.
Claims will be made if reuploads are found.
Contact @ our site or invite Bennekeben on Steam for info&help
Is there also comming a sound mod update?
c’est super bien mais ou trouver le mod scs stock a ajouté dans …voulez vous bien m’expliquer par votre réponse sur ma boite email merci
9:25 Brudal sound ^^ very nice
Hello, Bennekeben,
great Mod, it is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
I´m trying to sign in, before 3 days. No answer, no activation until now.
And there is the new Version 2.5, but not for free.
Would be nice, to have an answer…
I guess Bennekeben has finished modding. No updates, no new camera zoom… Sad.