Canada Map 0.2.4 v 1.36

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Map of Canada /Newfoundland and Labrador. Required dlc scandinavia, france, baltic ,italy

ivan mykyta


6 thoughts on “Canada Map 0.2.4 v 1.36

  1. RayFiftyOne

    i don’t understand this. Why are you not using the ATS editor on this one?

  2. Why don’t you make such maps for ATS better than ETS 2

  3. very good map thankyou

  4. is it standalone map or can i ad it to my other maps?

  5. AfzallPixell

    Canada Map OFFROAD driving Video 1.36

  6. LaurentJap

    [FR] J’ai juste un message à dire, YA PAS DE PANNEAUX !
    [EN] I just have a message to say, THERE ARE NO PANELS ! xD

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