Yes he’s right! Don’t make skins like this. No one gives a flying f*ck about this. And btw., what do you think? Who would donwload this trailer? I think just an #####.
Je suis Charlie, Call me Charlie, Ich heisse Charlie.
I donwloaded this, just to protest against TERRORISM.
I GIVE A F*CK ABOUT OUR LIFES, so if u disagree go f*ck a camel,
shut up with your messages of apology has two sub we are French and free to support any way we seem this killing for the victims . So now crushes poor ####!
They were extremely disrespectful to the “other” people of the World. They were only some goverments’ and mafias’ toys. So this is bullsh.t! Brainless BLIND idi.ts!!!
Yes he’s right! Don’t make skins like this. No one gives a flying f*ck about this. And btw., what do you think? Who would donwload this trailer? I think just an #####.
i dont know why the moderators accept the shits like this here on the site….and many more shits..
Je suis Charlie, Call me Charlie, Ich heisse Charlie.
I donwloaded this, just to protest against TERRORISM.
I GIVE A F*CK ABOUT OUR LIFES, so if u disagree go f*ck a camel,
J E S U I S C H A R L I E !!!!!!
shut up with your messages of apology has two sub we are French and free to support any way we seem this killing for the victims . So now crushes poor ####!
everyday even 2000 people dying no one gives a fck now died 10 people and world exploded…nice try richest asess
I don’t care about french noobs
böyle şeyleri atmayın buraya..onlar hz. muhammed e hakaret ettiler..
They were extremely disrespectful to the “other” people of the World. They were only some goverments’ and mafias’ toys. So this is bullsh.t! Brainless BLIND idi.ts!!!
If you don’t care, don’t post ! Show some respect to the dead !