Changelog: V9.16: (ETS2 V1.37)
fixed crash with flatbed trailer
New Trailers & Cargos added
Sorted Companies for cargos in & out
Mod Manager Ready
All Trailers Compatible with Advanced Coupling ETS2 V1.36/V1.37
Works on all Maps
This Trailer Pack also includes all trailers from my previous packs, if you have any of my previous packs remove them from mod folder & use this file.
Download, Unpack with 7zip or winrar & place “Chris45 Trailers V9.16.scs” file in mod folder, activate in mod manager, best to put above other mods (if you have any).
You Must have DLC Scandanavia & DLC Going East installed for this mod to work.
Works with other Map Mods, also compatible with Road to the Black Sea DLC
NOTE: This Mod is compatible with ETS2 Version 1.36 & 1.37
Note: Don’t take very long trailers on tunnel crossing from dover to calias, use ferry crossings instead, some trailers are too long for tunnel / train crossing.
Tested on ETS2 V1.36/1.37 Compatible with all DLC
Authors: Chris45
Models: SCS Software
Chris45, SCS Software
Thanks for update! 🙂
ets2 1.37?
nowhere i am checking the betas section on steam in daily basis also if 1.37 beta was live SCS software would inform us for that
One question @Chris45 in 2 or 3 versions ago you had a version of double Livestock trailer inside with a dolly on the second trailer… is it possible to add it again to the Mod? I mean that trailer on the second preview Screenshot the Red double Livestock 🙂
Video Test 1.36…
Heavy Cargo Trailer Video
are these trailers seen on the street?
Hey. The mod is making the game crash as you drive out of liverpool using the highway that has no corners after the roundabout. Thanks
Hey. The mod is making the game crash as you drive out of liverpool using the highway that has no corners after the roundabout. Thanks
crashing in padborg?
Are these trailers even in reality?
I don’t appear to get any jobs appear using these trailers?
Hello. Can you please tell me how to select specific trailers? I uploaded the mod and I can see them when i go in Vehicle Browser/Trailer Listing, but playing in SP they do not appear in the Job Market/Freight Market. Thank you
ETS2 V 1.37
ce mod est il compatible ets2 1.38 ??
Hi Chris. Not sure if you’ll see this comment or not, but it seems changes in v1.39 mean that any of your cargos on flatbeds/lowbeds don’t show so we only see empty trailers in the game. Do you plan on updating the mod?
Hey Chris
Can you do your trailerpack dit 1.39? I love your trailerpack
Can you this trailerpack changed for update 1.39?
Like your trailerpack
Have you a plan to update this trailerpack changed for update 1.39?
Your trailerpack is wonderful
Hi Chris
Will you be updating your trailers for version 1.42
love your trailer pack
can you make it for 1.45 v
is there a new update