All Standalone Trailers, Mod Manager Ready
All Trailers Compatible with Advanced Coupling ETS2 V1.25 & V1.26
Works on all Maps
This Trailer Pack also includes all trailers from my previous packs,
if you have any of my previous packs remove them from mod folder & use
this file.
Download, Unpack with 7zip or winrar & place “Chris45 Trailers
V9.00.scs” file in mod folder, activate in mod manager, best to put
above other mods (if you have any).
You Must have DLC Scandanavia & DLC Going East installed for this mod
to work.
Works with other Map Mods
Changelog: V9.00
Updated compatibilty to ETS2 V1.26
Also Compatible with DLC France
more trailers & cargos added
more trailer skins added
NOTE: This Mod is compatible with ETS2 V1.25 & V1.26
Tested on ETS2 V1.25 & V1.26 & DLC France
Chris45, SCS Software
It is possible to make some trailer skins for ATS?
if possible make scs more smaller size
NiCE Update!
I repacked it to -zip ‘best compression’ got the size down to ~445mb
for me having some issues with the ‘container’ as the default game also have skins for it, those and some of them in this package isn’t working properly so I had to exclude it from package..hate when skins isn’t looking perfect 🙂
..don’t know how to fix these issues, must be something with the trye/false option in the paint_job.sii’s. Running several trailermods aswell so it might be some small culprit doing this…hiding amongst the others.
One thing I have fixed is the yellow spare wheel in trailer_cs / silotank / spare_wheel.mat file :
material: “eut2.dif.spec.shadow.fx” {
texture_name[0]: “texture_base”
diffuse: {0.5, 0.5 , 0.5}
reflection: 0
shininess: 50
specular: { 0.254902, 0.254902 ,0.254902}