This is v 0.0.3 alpha of Countryside map (know as Tarania map).
Instruction: (First download the arhive and extract it.)
1. Make a new profile
2. Activate all 6 parts.
3. Change from Europe to taranoaia.mbd
4. If you want a good city(village) start from Terenu.
Bugs: BAD One and BAD two are the most buggiest city.
Drekkar company from Milkoi.
Some area without terrain.
Price from Gas Station
What should you know about this map:
Is a concept to make a map only with village and dangerous road. Is alpha stage. I am the main author(owner) Narcis, and with my little help Alex we gonna make this map bigger and bigger.
I change map name to countryside to be easy for you to understand, and name of Tarania is for romanian guys(and girls).
This update was soo late relase because I(narcis) had and still have a very hard time. I am sick.
Please if you like this concept don’t be rude with me or alex.
Support us by downloading the map. If you like it please leave a comment.
Add in 0.0.3 alpha:
– Signs
– Four new city
– Some new texture.
– New dangerous road
– Support for Manager Mod
– New city name
– The newest city have more realism
Authors: Main Author: Narcis(redeye)
Alex( KiLLeR Modding)(special thanks for learning soo fast and for beeing a very good friend)
FLD(special thanks for new prefab)
Barrets_kills( special thankx for prefab and some new stuff)
Name of the city was inspired from my fans from
Authors: Narcis(redeye), Alex( KiLLeR Modding), FLD, Barrets_kills
oчeнь хoрoшая карта.Трафика бы пoбoльшe и кoмпании.
Baga si niste gropi sau ceva 🙂
now is “better” in Sharemods XDD
“This webpage is not available”
Hey! Sharemods work perfect 😉
is not working well to me and I do not know why. do you know?
maybe is your browser or firewall
I wish you good health.
Карта понравилась, хотя и маловата. Дороги разного типа, местный коллорит присутствует. Трафик доставил. В общем – удовольствие получил! Объездил всю (с фиксом) и обнаружил нсколько ошибок: над городом Сucuruz высоко вне бе висит красный бусик, но самая нехорошая – нерабочий порт в Trebuci. В него можно попасть из The Port, но выехать оттуда – нельзя. Упираешься в невидимую преграду. Так же – заехать в него из Trebuci – тоже нельзя. Т.е. попасть в Trebuci и Terenu без чита невозможно. Надеюсь, что автор вскоре исправит эти ошибки. Ну, и смутищает вес – почти 1 Гбт.! Откуда при 10-ти городах и такой площади?
can u share ur truck mod ?
Looking pretty good 🙂
What truck mod is that, being used in the preview video by the way?
The best Range T I’ve seen yet.
Keep it going!
keeps crashing while loading to go in game (terenu)
Hotfix release! Please use this:
Narcis-Gabriel ,
TY for sharing.
could you create a thread in SCS forum to comments, sugestions, positive critics/review?
I was created a thread but no one looks intersted about it
I founded after “zoom” in map section. 🙂
The letters W.I.P. are not attractive.It means it is not ready yet and people like things ready, not to participate in tests.
Your map is interesting and cool. When no longer be alpha and beta then to really be completed call much attention.
congratulations on the map, but could be a complement to other maps ( TSM , MARIO MAP , PROMODS , ETC ….) would be very good would ever better the game , I would have your map in my game, but it would have to be compatible and complement to Mario map , for use 9 maps in my game, all compatible and complementary if it is possible for a next update makes it compatible . thank you
Ba frate nu intelegi ca mapa asta seaman cu un bot de vaca care seamana cu ma-ta aia puricoasa.
Hey I Have Downloaded This Map.. But I Want To Know Where To Extract It.. Plss Help Me Out..