Cows Trailer Cars For Multiplayer/Single

Cows-Trailer-2 Cows-Trailer-1

I share the following mod that we use in the convoy with colleagues to get out of the rut

Author: Juan C.


12 thoughts on “Cows Trailer Cars For Multiplayer/Single

  1. What drogs you people are using? πŸ˜‰

    But everyone as he needs, have phun πŸ˜€


  3. That must be some heavy stuff you guys are smoking over there hahahaha however , thanks!!! you gave me a good laugh πŸ˜€

  4. ###### mod……

  5. Moyeszka Sravenu-Dertyhvo

    You seriously need to get your head checked if you even think this is OK.

    Cus it’s obviously not, you #####.

  6. Comment peut-on avoir l’idΓ©e de faire un truc comme ca?

  7. Maximka.L


  8. fala sΓ©rio!!!

  9. Can we please get a rating system? Why are we subjected to garbage.

  10. bullshit mod ###

  11. BatmanAlexeh

    Hey could you please change the ton of the trailer lower? that’s to high.. Thanks πŸ™‚ atleast to 15 or 3t

  12. At least put the cows feets on the trailer floor.

    PremiumCrap, sorry to say but is such an idiotic idea and so badly done…i wish i had something good to say…well i guess you made me smile…thats a good thing πŸ™‚ you are creazier then i am πŸ™‚

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