DAF 105 V8 Sound 23/12/2014Sounds Report Abuse Share a video × Share YouTube video Do you have a video review of this mod? Fill this form and share a video. We share max 3 videos for one mod. Your email address Youtube video address By clicking the button "Send" You consent to have this website store submitted information. This is a Soundmod for the DAF XF 105. Credits: By Marcel Zadow / MZ MUSIX LOGISTIC DOWNLOAD 16 MB DAF 105 V8 Sound « Previous mod Next mod »
Video ??
Daf V8????? ###????
cool but daf v8?? nope daf hasnt got v8 engine
Right,very funny .. DAF with a V8 engine .. at least do your research before adding the title. DAF trucks use the 6 in-line cylinder, PACCAR engines.
It’s No V8 , go post video , or it’s my ets 2 –‘
For what a V8 sound for a DAF???????????????? Nonsense…
Video : ( I’m french , but i don’t speak )
daf 6 cillender you ######
DAF dont use V8 engines 🙂 Hehe
been done before dude,
its only the sound not the engine …. ###### guys
Hey buddy, I hope you know this but that sound that you claim to be yours: is Kreichbaums
ton son j’adore mais je l’ai installe et active mais cela ne fonctionne pas chez moi