DAF Polish Eagle

DAF-Polish-Eagle-1 DAF-Polish-Eagle-2

Polish Eagle Skin for DAF Truck

Author: Jacek145_JJ


3 thoughts on “DAF Polish Eagle

  1. Jacku proszę daj takie samo malowanie dla SCANI proszę Cię bardzo i jeszcze jedno bardzo piękne malowanie dzięki że je stworzyłeś 🙂

  2. Piekny, Jacku zrób takie na wszystkie marki proszę:)

  3. Jacek145_JJ

    Hi, I’ll write in English so everyone understands. 😉

    Thanks for your compliments, I’m happy you like the skin.

    It’s actually my plan to do this skin (and maybe other Polish-theme skins) for all the trucks (including the T-series), since the Polish Skin Pack SCS had released is just for steam version of the game (and mine’s retail one). I’m still learning how to make the skins, so please be patient and I’ll do my best to create them.


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