Daf XF 105 updated to V1.8.2.5
Included 14 skins and 4-spoke steering wheel.
SCS, 50Keda, Peerke145
Skin by Freddy Jimmink
Daf XF 105 updated to V1.8.2.5
Included 14 skins and 4-spoke steering wheel.
SCS, 50Keda, Peerke145
Skin by Freddy Jimmink
Sorry i didn’t give permission for thiis mod
Freddy Jimmink
It is updated :}
so when you made something and someone puts a link without asking it isn’t ok but when you do the same thing it suddenly is ok. atleast he mentioned you in the credits what you don’t do
Now i make a point i am the #####? Don’t mingle in something You don’t know #### about Micael
I mentioned in all Tca i launched and in more mods all credits, i am NOT to lame if webmaster(s0 deciding otherwise!
Michael shut up Freddy has right and if you have problem with that so go eny where and complain
Greets Rasmus
I just meant that a few days ago he uploaded a skin here. looking the same as a skin posted a few days before and included the same file names made on the same hour and minute. he said he made it himself, acted offensive when the original author said that it wasn’t his and then it got deleted here. and now this happens to him and it suddenly isn’t ok. it’s called being a hypocrite, he can d oit but when somebody does it to him it suddenly can not be done
Full Credits
– 50keda
– Ventyres for wheels
– Snaip for Hadley
– Hotracer for Kelsa multibar and highbar parts
reworked by 50keda
– R. Vlastuin for Hella beacon
– Peerke145 Converted and reworked
– 4-Spoke steering wheel By Peerke145
– Volvoduck – Jan Bakker, P.J. Hoogendoorn, Weeda
– Peerke145 – Gebroeders Kapitein
– Alexius – Wetter Transport
– Sufyanworkzz – Tieleman
– Per_DK – Trans Gernad
– Roadhunter and more, Bring,
reskinned by Freddy Jimmink
– Freddy Jimmink – Europe Flyer, Jac. Op ‘t Hof, JP Transport Service, Ronny Ceusters, Tim Goderie, Transportena & Zn
Michael that mod is removed on my request!
Further i have 1 thing to say to every-one:
all i want to say is that they don’t care about us
listen and llisten very carefully to this song!
You removed it, because the original author put up solid evidence proving it was stolen.
Don’t act like you had good motives.
Freddy is right. This site (and others) are full of stuff reworked, remapped, reloaded and it’s always the same mod. Some work, others not but it’s a little confusing to have many many mods that are always the same… with optional. The game itself gives the choice to modify the truck. No need to make a mod with optionals and then elease it as a new work.
i’ll have full respect for you Freddy. 🙂
Greets Rasmus
Why don’t you #### his c**k while your lips are so close to his ###
Thanks Rasmus,
And Michael if You find time read all of other’s comments first and teh 1 i say You are attacking me? Fine mate do wat You want, still go ahead mate if You feel good do it buster!
Guys stop arguing jimmy does good work on here there no need for all the bull #### being thrown at him and other folk remember one thing jimmy and other moders and skinners make our game better and without them the mods and skins you enjoy wouldn’t exist.