DAF XF 95. Very beautiful DAF. Old but gold. Looks very good with blue schmitz trailer. Trailer not included, but you can download it seperately.
DAF with interior, and details which is high quality.
Tested on version 1.15, but may work on older versions. Enjoy this mod friends!
This is a Reupload from this Mod ->
Nice mod. But I have a question why do all of these standalone trucks only have a single chassis?
I would of for sure download it if it had a 6×4 chassis..
and that stands for all of these standalone trucks accept a few (Ohaha’s volvo and some that I don’t remember).
Good mod!Thx!
Wow! Lviv registration number:) This is my city.
Who to install….it’s arhive rar…not scs.Please help me to install.Thx
That’s simple.
Just change the extension rar to scs.
If you fail to show truck in dealer,then do this:
-Extract the archive
-Then make it a zip file via WinRar.
-In Winrar, select compression method “Store” and name your file something like DAF XF.zip
-Finally, change its extension to scs which should be like “DAF XF.scs”.
Or just put the archive in your mod folder and activate it in game.Simple!