DAF XF105 Euro 6 A, B, C cabins


Game version: 1.3.1

Credits: Голандцы,Ринат Абдрахманов, Виктор Башманов, tomson, D o m i n i k, Petrik
Convert: D o m i n i k
Edit cabins: Petrik


11 thoughts on “DAF XF105 Euro 6 A, B, C cabins

  1. Why not 1.2.5 version ? :((((((

  2. make one for 1.2.5 version! not anyone have 1.3 version.

  3. Freddy Jimmink

    I tested it in and it works fine for me, so try it guys, than You know if it works or not,

    Very beautifull done, all compliments to the authors,



  4. r32zabiser

    are this mod support accessory bullbar, roofgrill, and bottomgrill?

  5. Don`t work in version PLEASSE MAKE FOR DIS VERSION

    1. Freddy Jimmink

      You have to remove DAF XF105 out of Your modfolder and insert the DAF, than go to a DAF dealer and buy 1, i made this picture after i bought the DAF in Zurich and picked up a load:


      I have and TC Megamod v7.x

      1. Freddy Jimmink

        Indeed only the 4×2’s work in
        and there are some ccessories to buy,

  6. It’s not standalone!!! It so difficult make it standalone?! I don’t want to replace the old ones….

    1. I’ve made it stand alone. 🙂

      1. Really?!Can you put it online? Please

  7. The new FH?

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