4 different dashboard colors for all trucks,
its not compatible with some other dashboard mods.
If you find some that maybe not work properly just let me know and i’ll try to fix it.
4 different dashboard colors for all trucks,
its not compatible with some other dashboard mods.
If you find some that maybe not work properly just let me know and i’ll try to fix it.
Not working on my Iveco HiWay. I’m not using any other Interior-Mod / Dashboard-Mod and I’ve put the mod at the very end.
same here . no function. all Dashboards are white.
no other Dashboards mods activated
Please help
correction . no function at Hi Way and Magnum.
Daf Euro 6 works
I just check that and all colors seems to work, however if you have installed scania multi mod there is a confilct with interior light from that mod, try disable any other mod and run just one color at the time, for me all colors in all trucks works properly. Tested on version 1.15
Ok i will Check this for me at Monday. I think i have activated Mega store Mod and a scania Steamline tuning mod.
Thanks for Support. I hope this is not a conflict with the Mega store mod.
No problem, to fix confilct just delite vehicle_inn.sii in scania multi mod. Here is location of the file: unit/hookup/vehicle_inn.sii
Ok i found the conflict mod.
for me is the TSM JustPlay mod.
without the Just Play Mod it works fine
But i don´t find the vehicle_inn.sii in this mod.
Probably that TSM JustPlay mode have some lighting modifications in it. Try find if u can that file what have conflict with lighting inside tsm mod, or u can wait and i’ll check it up in a few days.
For now, I deleted all the Truck files from the just play mod. Know it works Perfectly with all my other tuning Mod.
And looks very Great.
Thanks very much for your Help.
Another question. can you make a yellow version to please?
I will use Yellow for the Renault Trucks.
No problem, I’m glad it works now. Yes i can make a yellow version. Do u need just for Renault trucks or for all?
This isnt working with pete379s latest scania mod from this site. Also doesnt work with the latest 50k scania. Now i realise you recommend no mods but these mods are in my opinion better than scs standard scanias and i would love it if you could find a solution to this please.
This is only works with vanilla trucks, moded trucks have different path to that file or already have that file in archive so the game loads default which is not modified.
if you make yellow for all you can receive in your pack.
for me is Renault enough.
The Interior files in the Just Play Mod was responsible for the conflict.
Here it is yellow lights: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wtdy3d7wlhy11lc/Renault_yelow_dash.rar
Wow with Display . Thanks angain .
i have enabled the mod but nothing happend with my truck (Volvo fh16 2012) or in the upgradestore
a quand une version multicouleurs
les couleurs qui change tout seul serait tres bien