Eddie Stobart Daf Euro 6




9 thoughts on “Eddie Stobart Daf Euro 6

  1. How did you get the Daf to be so low? Wanna share a link to the mod?

      1. Jeff Jeff Jefferson

        Can u make a scania version please.

  2. Oh man, this is perfect. Just what I’ve been waiting for!

    1. Thank U)

  3. Can you make it one for The Eddie Stobart RAIL? Thanks. 🙂

  4. мне нравки

  5. bonesjustice

    Can you please make all Eddie Stobart company trailers.

  6. cpartist265

    Can you make truck for packhams Transport & logistics in any design oh great work on the stobart trucks i have them in my fleet on ets2 thanks.

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