Eldorado Map free for 1.36 03/02/2020Maps Report Abuse Share a video × Share YouTube video Do you have a video review of this mod? Fill this form and share a video. We share max 3 videos for one mod. Your email address Youtube video address By clicking the button "Send" You consent to have this website store submitted information. Eldorado FREE map to 1.36 Updated to new version; Fixed bugs; Credits: Elvis Felix DOWNLOAD 438 MB DOWNLOAD 438 MB [mirror] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NWerGqvfNQ&feature=emb_title « Previous mod Next mod »
why don’t you link to other maps ??
was connecting before ..
Dont work- no City to choose 🙁 (new profile)
Nice video, field, four cars and a plane. I thought it was a truck simulator 🙂
no funciona me saca, ni haciendo un nuevo perfil
dowmload the pro version of this map for free: https://modsbase.com/h4w8s1fnzul2/Files_of_Map_Eldorado_Pro_1.36.rar.html