-version 1.16 1.17
The mod of money does not work for this map because it has independent currency . It is also independent of everything and you need to make a new profile.
Do not forget to stop by our site and links group in the official video.
We add more cities next delivery .
Greetings to all.
Maxi Zarich-Jhonny meniconi producciones
non funziona la map il game si spegne
Inizia nuovo profilo . Prendi tutte le mod . Installare il diritto mod . E ‘testato perfettamente funzionante .
parabens pela iniciativa , mas acho que ficaria nuito melhor se fosse um mapa complemento e compativel com outros sem ter que mudar de perfil ou jogo , deixando assim o jogo cada vez melhor , se for possivel para uma proxima atualização deixe ele compativel (complemento ) obrigado.
O mapa vai continuar assim. É independente para os bolivianos e também que o mapa irá expandir mais.
Карта не работает на версиях: 1.16.х и 1.17.х Она просто не запускается!
The map does not work on versions 1.16.h and 1.17.h It just does not start!
The map works perfectly . It is tested in more than a dozen gamers. It works for both versions. Reinstall the map , pulls mods. There are many people who do not know how to install a separate mod
Believe ME, the map is just broken.
If you are skilled, you’ve six months work to fix it. From what I’ve seen you are not skilled, so make that six years work.
Crashes For Me On v1.17.1. Have This Error Every Time I Pick Starting City And It Crashes
00:01:28.557 : No valid offers found for player’s HQ city ‘torino’
00:01:28.557 : Error generating first job!
The map dose work on 1.17v a tried it.
When you download the file and unzip it make sure you extract all the scs files and place them individually into your mod folder.
I had to switch all my other mods off as some where crashing the game.
Its a stand alone map so start a new profile and select all the Bolivia files in the mods section and select this map not Europe in your new profile when I selected the map in the menu funny enough it was not called Bolivia ? which made it confusing.
Problem – The map has a few problems like the houses are not sitting correctly on the landscape and I first started in the quarry to find posts floating in the sky sort this out and the map will look good but until you patch it up I just cant play on this map sorry.
Hopefully you will sort this out at a later date then I look forward to playing on this map.
But I did like the music 🙂
Yes!!!! this map not Europe in your new profile when you selected the map in the menu select Bolivia. OK I´ll chek that. Don´t forget that this map is free 😉
What rubbish.
There IS a cost in downloading and running, time is money, this map cost me money and I see NO FUTURE in it.
Don´t play it
I Have Scandinavia DLC. Do I Have To Disable The DLC First As Is Still Crashing With The Same Error. No valid offers found for player’s HQ city ‘torino’
Error generating first job!
I Have Used Many Maps And Know How To Install Them. Here Is My Game Log, Maybe You Can Help Me. I Have Only Bolivia Map Installed. Selected apollo.mbd But As Soon As I Select A City The Game Crashes With This Error.
No valid offers found for player’s HQ city
Error generating first job
IMO< do not bother further.
But make a new profile, activate the Bolivia map in you mods.
Select the addition under Europe, do NOT select Europe, continue. Europe IS selected by default, click Europe and you will see another selection, select that.
The map runs, but is severely broken,. ~~~ at ;east from where I started.
Re-read your post.
Did you try the default city?
Very, very, very amateurish map, NO CONCEPT OF PHYSICS.
What’s BEFORE Alpha? NOT FOR RELEASE even for ALPHA. Far too much work to do yet. Deleted Map. Sorry.
Come back in five years.
Ahahaha ok.
Don´t play it. Bye
En primer lugar quiero felicitarle con gran entusiasmo y cálido por haber hecho tu mejor esfuerzo en crear mapa para ETS 2 por nuestra querida tierra Bolivia, aun todavia no se ha comprobado pero como yo he observado el video, al fin que tanto esperaba el mapa en exclusivo lanzamiento para los bolivianos, realmente tienes el orgullo por nuestro país y espero que siga en adelante, realmente estoy muy satisfecho y agrazdezco mucho por su trabajo. Yo por mi parte, estoy dispuesto a colaborar para improvisar el mapa de Bolivia en los caminos más importante; Santa cruz – Cochabamba – La Paz y Oruro, pero por más experiencia que tengo es entre Santa Cruz – Cochabamba – Santa cruz por la ruta peligrosa en las colinas del valle cochabambino.
Mil felicidades : MaxiZarich
Gracias por el apoyo. Mucha gente de gringolandia no está de acuerdo la forma en la que el mapa está construido. Si bien tiene errores ya los estoy arreglando y el mapa seguirá saliendo.
No te olvides que si quieres participar únete a la comunidad tenemos links en el vídeo. Comunícate con nosotros.
MaxiZarich, con mucho gusto quiero participar en tu grupo de comunidad para cualquier resolver cualquier problema y errores, comentarios y sugerencias, estoy en pendiente por mi solicitud el sitio facebook group:
Hoy dia recién lo había descargado el parche 1.17.1 q pesa 1.4GB, actualizado y funciona correctamente el map Bolivia, gracias a usted MaxiZarich q en este momento estoy disfrutando y, en caso q hay errores, le mandaré el reporte del error con la copia del imagen.
No such file apollo is useless. It is not the map . The map is in the description . Apollo is a file that someone leaked staff .
I regret the inconvenience