Ferry France Ireland for Promods

This is a direct ferry connection between Rosslare (Wexford) Ireland and Roscoff/Cherbourg France for Promods (2.27) only.

Updated with accurate prices, distances and times.
Works and tested on 1.31



3 thoughts on “Ferry France Ireland for Promods

  1. crashes game

  2. Where must I put correctly this ferry connection in the mods’ loader? Over or under the ProMods files?

  3. devilagent76

    @Tibe99: you can put it anywhere in the modlist, but I suggest to place it right above Promods, in case you remove Promods you should also remove this mod since it is dependant on Promods.

    @russell: you have Promods 2.27 enabled? without Promods the game crashes, since it is dependant on Promods. If you have, please provide me your game.log so I can have a look

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