For fans of “Overweight”

For fans of Overweight-2 For fans of Overweight-1

Collection several trailers for this pack
Trailers are standalone.
Trailers are in traffic
Credits: Matdom1988 Micha BF-3, Abasstreppas, Fred_be, Roadhunter, TSM and unknown.

* Respect the download link *


39 thoughts on “For fans of “Overweight”

  1. matdom1988

    Problem remote display wheel.
    Wheel problem (too small)
    Lightmask problem.

  2. Qu’est ce que tu dis ?

  3. matdom1988

    probleme distance affichage roue, certain lightmask ne fonctionne pas et il y a des roue qui sont trop rentrée ou sorti.
    comme d’hab quoi

  4. Ha ben ça change pas pas 🙂 je suis pas aussi bon que toi Mat 😉

  5. Et j’ai rien touché au mod j’ai juste regrouper les mods, donc c’est au départ que c’est pas bon

  6. matdom1988


  7. Roadhunter

    Hello Matdom…there are many trailers from Roadhunter…but where are the credits…

  8. This is not Matdom but me.
    Sorry RoadHunter, I had not seen.
    I will ask you to add in the credits

  9. TruckBaecker

    Hello Fred_be there are also some trailer from TSM in there. Mayby u can write them to the credits too.

  10. Stavros Greece

    My game crash….(Version 1.17.39

  11. ok thank you TruckBaecker
    @ Stavros Greece You must have a mod that makes your game crash

  12. Stavros Greece

    The only mod that i had checked was this

  13. Witch jazycat ?

  14. Jandemotorman

    Are the trailers of Pack v 2.0 included? Or is this a whole new trailer pack? If so can i use both?

  15. Streetsurfer1962

    Alles nur geklaut. Wo sind die Credits zu Streetsurfer und Capelle?
    Kannst eigentlich auch was eigenes erarbeiten ??

  16. Streetsurfer1962

    Du solltest bei Zalando Arbeiten,da suchen die noch Leute,die Dinge einfach zusammenpacken.

  17. @Jandemotorman: It’s only this pack
    @Streetsurfer1962: If I write “unknown” is that I do not know other credits !!
    But if you do not like this mod not download it and shut up

  18. Does it work on 1.16.2 or just on 1.17?

  19. dragster94

    Genial enfin des super mods mis a jour merci a tous

  20. You always criticize the mods and you are not able to do.
    Try to do or shut up and do not download

  21. Avec plaisir dragster94 😉
    @Francisco: Yes, it should work in 1.16

  22. Thank you guys I was expecting 4 a long time for this

  23. Streetsurfer1962

    I do not need this package. I convertiert 98% of them even to ETS2 and have the self flawlessly since v1.0 in Game. We are talking about credit and People with borrowed plumes decorate and nothing get own on the legs. (sorry Google translator)
    BORA,GOBA…,degget, Riggo,Capelle,Pathfinder,Kamaz,Streetsurfer1962,Roadhunter,Ventures,MrZer……

    1. dragster94

      Streetsurfer1962 sa fait des mois que je cherche les mises a jour des trailers tsm(vos packs convoi exceptionnel ).impossible de vous suivre depuit que vous etent partie du groupe tsm encore merci pour votre travail.

  24. Streetsurfer1962

    Merci dragster94

  25. pralk0suszarka

    Version 1.17.39 after some time I visit desktop

  26. Streetsurfer1962

    No wonder there are old trailer for Game 1.0 – 1.4
    Tire assemblies have changed and Cargo files are now rebuilt.
    There are old models offered new here and this is a shithole.
    The uploader cares nen #### if ye Shoot your game !!

    1. MidniteTrain

      That’s all I needed to know Streetsurfer1962. Thank you. It’s not compatible with 1.17. More ####.

  27. The pack is compatible 1.17.x. Version I’m Version
    and it works great. Stop saying that not work and cry for credits. I write “unknown” is that I did not know the authors

  28. Funkhornet

    The Pack is not working like your other packs. This Pack is ####. Don´t download it !!!!!!

  29. ScaniaDriver

    This mod crash my game! Do something…..

    1. Remove the mod.

  30. McCarreyguy

    Guys i can’t find any of this trailers they have the normal scs trailers! Why??

  31. Where can I get that vogele paver trailer, roller trailer, 5 axle metal beam trailer, silo trailer and the green-white large tube trailer? thanks

  32. Great mod! for me it works perfect, and i use it in 1.15 but now i use it in 1.18
    I still have one problen though….With the “siemmens trefo” i can’t turn with my truck, i try remove some weight but it’s the same…. any ideas what this could be????

  33. Fred_be let me ask you: what the hell is wrong with you?
    All they said was that you didn’t put their names in the credits and you immediately start to say “you don’t like it don’t download it” and “stop crying for credits”. I also said something to you about a trailer that I think was Jazzycat’s and you said something similar.
    My point is stop being a baby and act like a grownup.

  34. The wheels from the trailers are red in V 1.20

  35. Dragan007

    When will there be in the v1.23?

  36. njabz24harare

    Can you design this Mod to be compatible with version 1.23 ?

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