Four-wheel drive

Four-wheel drive for all default trucks



2 thoughts on “Four-wheel drive

  1. A bom mod, mas o caminhão fica molenga e instável, ele não consegue acompanhar a pista, dá-se a impressão que ele fica puxando pro lado, como se tivesse desalinhado.

  2. Some trucks with multiple steering axles have issues with this mod. You cannot keep it on a straight line or follow the road because the mod causes the direction to slightly pull on the opposite direction of your las turn, so if you correct a bit to the right, there’s now a slight vice on direction to the left and viceversa. The faster you go, the more noticeable it is.

    Other than that, single steering axle trucks work great and the all wheels traction is pretty noticeable when off-roading and accelerations.

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