Frosty Winter Weather Mod v8.5

This high resolution graphics and weather mod simulates winter.

Key Features
Old roads, fields, grass & many other textures replaced with higher res versions
Frosty winter weather and environment
Snow/Sleet instead of rain
Random cloudy, foggy and sunny weather
Old tree models replaced by new ones across maps
Frosty road textures
Winter daylight hours and temperatures
No thunder and lighting
No harvesters
*Heavy Winter, Physics and other addons available for download

*Heavy Winter Addon provides snowy/slushy looking roads and a snow covered landscape with less grass.
*Physics – Makes the roads a little more slippy

Works with Promods, Rus Map, Southern Region, TSM and others, compatible with all map DLCs.

Place Frosty above Realistic Building Lights mod.

Compatibility Latest Version: 1.41

Changes in v8.5
Updated for 1.41
Many fixes and improvements

Recommended Settings
Color Correction: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High
Ambient Occlusion: Off

Frosty is a winter weather and graphics mod and is not compatible with other weather, HDR and graphics mods such as RGM, NaturaLux, Project Next-Gen, Filmic Lighting etc.
Frosty should be placed on top in Mod Manager.
If you are also using any of the addons then place them above Frosty.



11 thoughts on “Frosty Winter Weather Mod v8.5

  1. pay or get ads (to give modder money) to download it ?

    why it’s even here then ? isn’t this a free downloads website?

    1. I think you’ll find that the vast majority of mods on this website and others has a download link to sharemods or a similar website and many modders use these sites, and btw sharemods is a free download. This website itself also uses ads, so you’re obviously not the brightest.

      1. obviously you didnt checked the link…

        1. ActrosFTW

          Sorry mate, but obviously Grimes has created the linked website himself, so he knows pretty well what are the links there. There are two options – one for FREE download and other for PAID download of this mod. I have tested the FREE link and it works perfectly.
          So if you are not able to manage to read text on the website and choose the FREE link instead of ad-free PAID one, then I would suggest you don’t get into such “complex” things as downloading mods in general 😉 Have a good one.

  2. Hello Grimes , je suis un fervent utilisateur de tes mods depuis….. tout le temps en fait. Il y a beaucoup d’utilisateur qui ne comprennent pas que le lien dirige vers ton site et que ce n’est pas du tout gênant de télécharger avec la publicité si on ne veut pas ou ne peut pas payer pour utiliser tes “bons” mods.
    En tout cas merci pour l’ excellent travail que tu partages avec la communauté.

    Hello Grimes, I’ve been an avid user of your mods for ….. all the time actually. There are many users who do not understand that the link goes to your site and that it is not at all annoying to download with the advertisement if you do not want or cannot pay to use your ‘good’ mods .
    Anyway, thank you for the excellent work you share with the community.

    1. Thank very much thimic 🙂

  3. An alle ich unterstütze nur den Original Link von GRIMES seiner WEBSEITE
    ladet euch deshalb alles dort runter ( an GRIMES ) vielen dank an GRIMES für seine kostenlosen mods ich bin immer DANKBAR so einen klasse Modder an unserer Seite zu haben hier der LINK

    Viele Grüße ZUPUTO an GRIMES

  4. Does it compatible with ProMod ?

  5. pls update to 1.42

  6. Amar Tabak

    When I download this frosty mod, it says to me when I enter the game in the sky texture not fount and the red sky, I tried the older version of the mod, but it also says to me, what kind of fix pls?

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