G420 Highline Stock

Stock-1 Stock-2 Stock-3

Tested Version:
Replaced Scania R2009.
Used SCS’s Streamline Highline template for skin.

Author: leti7kedil


6 thoughts on “G420 Highline Stock

  1. include the wheels¡?

    1. leti7kedil

      50k’s Alcoa Wheel.

  2. NOT a G420, is just a Scania R with a G420 badge. not worth it

    1. leti7kedil

      Troll. Already observed no difference between R and G occur.

  3. Matheus Vieira

    Graphics mod? Or It’s just photoshop?

    1. leti7kedil

      Graphis Mod: Rantkel HD Graphics.

      Extra; I gave little effect on the photoshop.

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