Golden Raven Trailer

Golden-Raven-Trailer-1 Golden-Raven-Trailer-2

Compatible with 1.15.1 version and for Aerodynamic Trailer with Raven wheels. Compatible with Golden Raven Skin DLC. This mod is specially compressed.

Author: John Necir Rebellion, SCS Software.


5 thoughts on “Golden Raven Trailer

  1. wheels link please ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. David040700

      @Bon jovi, the wheels are available with the Raven DLC ๐Ÿ˜‰ So if you have this Skin, you have the wheels !

    2. It’s SCS Raven DLC.

      You get a steam-key for it when you complete the Christmas deliveries (need 1.15).

      Nice combo btw. Definitely draws attention.

  2. David040700

    Very nice mod @John Rebellion ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Looks great.

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