Mod work on 1.18.x
– Compatible with Original & TSM maps + DLC East & North.
– My mod add 5 colour in truck interior, when you buy it in shop just press O on keyboard to active.
P/s: Please, show your respect by the way didn’t upload again my mod,if you’re want to share in another forum or blog then you’re can copy original link in this topic.
Author: Thalken
Ich frage mich,was ein interior light mit kompatibilität zu Maps wie TSM oder nen DLC-North zu tun hat.
Sinnlose beschreibung deines schrottigen mods.
Danke…wieder etwas,was kein Mensch braucht.
Vor allem wenn dann da steht zu 1.18.xx
Wir sind bei 1.19.xx ! mit exterior ansicht für das interior.
Aber hier geht´s vermutlich wieder mal nur darum,seine schrottigen mods ganz schnell noch unter den mann zu bringen.
In next times plz wrote by english,because not everyone also known german. Btw,i will answer v.1.19 still in stage of beta and unreleased official on home page of SCS in section update. And why you don’t see version i wrote behind name of topic,it just are v1.0 and in next times it will has many many patched version for v.1.19 and more.
Hi Thalken
For All Truck OR Renault Magnume ?
For all truck bro.
Does it work on 1.19 😀 ?
Only for 1.17 and 18,next patch for 1.19 comming soon 😀
hello to all map mod makers i am impressed your maps but as iam an indian i request you to create a map of india for 1.18x version i have some reference regarding the creation of map of india see the videos of world toughtest trucker(wtt) part 7 &8 and IRT episodes it will help for creating map of plz rly me for my comment iam so glad if u create a map of india…especially for you thalken iam so happy of ur mods of ets2 …..