may i ask few question about this mod?
what ETS2 version it is compatible? what dealer its purchasable? if i even understood correctly it to be drivable as it has interioir and all…
and could yuo make it also in other makes such as Toyota Dyna 300, Renault truck D, man tgl/tgm, Mercedes atego, Volvo fl??
Video please
may i ask few question about this mod?
what ETS2 version it is compatible? what dealer its purchasable? if i even understood correctly it to be drivable as it has interioir and all…
and could yuo make it also in other makes such as Toyota Dyna 300, Renault truck D, man tgl/tgm, Mercedes atego, Volvo fl??
AND yes please MAN TGL!
Video with this truck 🙂
Very cool truck, but the front looks like plastic, maybe use another texture. And maybe add a Trailer/Cargo in the next Version.
I find this for months 🙂
Abi çok güzel olmuş da bari rengini değiştirebilseydik 🙂
Bir de bir sorum daha var.Bunun arkasına bdf römork bağlayabiliyor muyuz?
Has an issue with the collisions, traffic drives into rear of truck…