Iveco skin


Author: Moein Akbari


14 thoughts on “Iveco skin

  1. What tyres are you using?

    1. Scania R700 wheels 😉

      1. Thanks, btw nice skin! 🙂

  2. I converted those wheels privately. How did you get them?

    1. You can download Scania R700
      For tires

  3. Which stealing?

    Why are you slander?

    I just edited the iveco skin

  4. Fishman Maddy

    Can you please, give people further info on how you got those wheels. Sib3rius converted them, privately.

    1. ^^ I smell ##### ^^

      Maddy PMSing again #####

    2. Just Sayin'

      Maddy’s loser friends wont feel special if they arent the only ones with these ugly wheels ####

  5. wheels fo this mod

  6. You say you only converted them, so you are not the original author anyway? And maybe this isnt even your conversion. You are not the only one who does that, you know.

    1. Which is why I’m not making a big fuss over it, the person who converted it doesn’t really has a say in it, however it still drew question for me. Must of been a similar convert to mine to where it confused me.

  7. …………….Quit nagging!!

  8. Sarkissian

    Arrest him, God #### it!
    Someone arrest that man!!!! lol 😀

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