Yo Ghass72, what happen with file-upload links?
Also, haven’t already learned that you should put something unique/random as for skins’s internal name?
– paintjob_hiway.dds – NOT GOOD
– zblackhawk4756 – GOOD
@ Subliminal 1st of all thanx for ur last sentence :),
file-upload was down @ the time I uploaded the mod & the internal files names I’ll make them unique next time, never mind dude.
Yo Ghass72, what happen with file-upload links?
Also, haven’t already learned that you should put something unique/random as for skins’s internal name?
– paintjob_hiway.dds – NOT GOOD
– zblackhawk4756 – GOOD
Otherwise, your skins are great 😉
@ Subliminal 1st of all thanx for ur last sentence :),
file-upload was down @ the time I uploaded the mod & the internal files names I’ll make them unique next time, never mind dude.
mod has been edited, new link: http://www.file-upload.net/download-9732551/Hi-Way-zblackhawk.scs.html