JFavignano’s Jake Brake and Horn V2


This replaces the motor brake sound with the infamous “Jake Brake.”
Both interior and exterior sounds have been modded as well as a big rig style horn.

Author: Jeff Favignano


10 thoughts on “JFavignano’s Jake Brake and Horn V2

  1. MatiBoss2222

    Can yo give link to YT. I dont know what sound is this

  2. nice mod, thanks mate

  3. Nice mod, sounds sweet, reminds me of a jake brake mod I have for my GTS, but yours is deeper, nice rumble to it with the authentic slapping sound. It’s not a sound that can be easily explained, like a load of playing cards slowly being flicked together but deeper tone. Anyways, cheers for the upload. Verb

    1. hey bro,i put this mod in my scs file and all it does is cancel my horn and the jake sound stays the same,do you have any tweaks for this

  4. you can remake this mod for 1.7.1 version? :3

  5. you can remake for version 1.7.1 version?

  6. giovanni williams

    how to put it in the game

  7. that jake brake sounds more like the old two strokes which is bad ###, great job was lookin for this.

  8. someone please help me,the mod cancel my horn and no jake brake stays origina

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