Standalone truck find in Mercedes dealer.
-1 cabin;
-1 6×4 chassis;
-own interior with interior light;
-own dashboard computer with CB-radio player;
-own wheels;
-paintable with metallic colors, scinnamble;
-template & skin-pack included;
-own original Engine Voice Records sounds;
-3 axle grain trailer with Dolly 3D-model V.Rusakov;
-own flarepack;
-support advanced coupling and has own animated trailer cables;
Game version 1.36.xx Clear log without errors & bugs!
SISL’s Pack compatibility add-on included.
Mod prodused Nikola_Donbass with official permission author 3D-model NEO Max Dmitriev! Great thanks!
If you wont share this mod in other website save authors link please!
Good game!!! 🙂
Nikola_Donbass, Max Dmitriev, Valeriy Rusakov, jon-ruda(animation)
Very successful model. Sounds alright, wipers alright and bonus in the form of Russian radio CB is very cool. Thank you very much and send a greeting from Slovakia.
Thank you too, glad I liked it! Use with pleasure!
Video Test 1.36…
Thanks my friend! I’m glad to see you!
Спасибо за обзор!
It is activated, and green in MOD menu but cant find it in Mercedes dealer. How to buy this truck?
Watch the first video review
password for kamaz please i would like only Def lights file
This mod does not have a password, it is blocked
Hello, I’d like to ask you about your Mercedes-Benz MP2. You’re planning to update this mod? I’m asking because I was very pleased with him and I regret that he’s not active.
Thank you for your answer. Good job!
Good afternoon! Thank you for rating! I’m interested in your mod, I continue to support it. It was rebuilt anew, almost from scratch using new models. Now this is a private mod, soon on the bloggers reviews there will be a promotional video of the new MP2
Hello, Nikola_Donbass or is there at least a shadow of a chance to return to modification for a Mercedes MP2. There’s a group of us who care a lot about this modification.
Good afternoon! Yes, the mod is alive and will continue to live on. Very soon, a new MP2 promo video will be released
Планируется ли обновление мода под 1.37?