– Bought in showrooms DAF
– There are templates for 1 and 2 channels. Without colorings. Public beta, so to speak. Coloring lighting can do for yourself in the script written any where navtykal.
The original model of DB3 (rignroll model)
Envelope in ETS2: dmitry68
Sounds all engines: kriechbaum
Great job, dmitry. I hope you keep doing revisions of this caliber.
This is original video of the truck
Kriechbaum, i love your engine sound!
thanks !!!!!!!
i was waiting for a good kenworth t800 mod for so long …..
Рулевое колесо полный отстой!Неужели нельзя сделать нормально?
а какое по твоему нормальное ? да не нравится сделай сам
Это и есть нормальное рулевое колесо. Салон делали SofLab а они делали с реального тягача модель.
для scania T можно такой GPS сделать?????????????
the two skins dont show up in the game at all
Can you fix the left mirror on the engine hood pleas
Фикс для отображения зеркал:
Закинуть по пути:
этот файлик: front_mirror.mat
better than ###### long hoods & useful truck..
nice & datailed job,thanks
small bug: the left turn signal lights in the interior. BUT GREAT MOD !!!
sorry … the range in lblinkerl and rblinkerl in unit/hookup was set too far from me 😉
front bumper is not in the right place …. not in the middle
Kriechbaum. What should we do without you. ?? This game would be so boring !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you all, at the beginning of the project, it was a private reworked version, but with Dmitry we decided to release it to public.
He worked HARD on it, few weeks to have a very nice truck. i am very gratefull to him too.
thank u very much Kriechbaum n Dmitry very nice work . please keep the american truck coming . this t800 works and looks awsome. and as always thank you for releasing to the public
Very well, thank you very much
Excellent job bringing this up-to-date. I’m not big on Kenworth’s but any effort to this degree, I’ll give a go and proper appreciation. I really hope you (both dmitry and everyone else) can do some of the other dated American models. I’d love to see that Peterbilt 359 brought into 2015. It’s a great truck that just needs that modern touch.
excellent job !!!
a ( optional ) tri-drive ( 8X6 ) chassis and a ( optional ) heavy duty bullbar on the front in the update ( if you update it…. ) would be great !!!!
anyway, great job
Found one problem the front left mirror on hood needs to be fixed please
Paul :
Put this file at this place:
I see, ATS is slowy coming 😀
Nice work, kriechbaum & Dmitry, this is a very nice truck 🙂
Thankyou kriechbaum
Merci de nous faire profiter de vos œuvres et de diversifier les modèles de camions.encore un camion de plus a ma collection il manque plus que le K200 et un W900 Classique.Un grand merci pour vos travaux et votre passion.(FR)
why glow handles and fittings made of chromium in the dark? lights are off!
Video. Updated data mod:
Great work guys! The T800 it’s a classic and this one is almost perfect. One question though: why does it always have to be on DAF? Is it because of the real Daf/Peterbilt/Kenworth company?
Could I change the file so it can be bought from another make?
front bumper bullbar is not in the right place …. not in the middle
Great mod
But can you make a heavy hall chassis
off a 4axle chassis
Sorry guys but how can I fix the left mirror problem with this link?
Where can I paste the file “.MAT”?
Put this file at this place:
kriechbaum put this higher up…..Thankyou to kriechbaum and Dmitry
HD video with good music 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Fq0LDIOPag
АВТОРЫ !! А где обещанные на видео логотипы и эмблемы Kenworth. На видео они есть, а в моде их нету. Нехорошо как то людей обманывать !
AUTHORS !! And where is the promised video logos and emblems Kenworth. In the video, they are, in a fashion they are not present. It is not good that people like to cheat!
need more options for the lights on the bull bar please…thanks!
Is there a template available for this truck?