Late Autumn/Early Winter v 3.2

This mod simulates late autumn/early winter weather and environment and replaces older textures with higher res versions.

Random grey sky, misty and sunny weather
Old vegetation types replaced by new ones across maps
Old roads, fields and grass replaced with higher res versions
Improved rain and wheel spray
No thunder or lightning
Leafless vegetation
HDR Bloom reduced
Late Autumn/Early Winter daylight hours
Appropriate temperature readings
No harvesters

Compatibility latest version: 1.33

Works with Promods, Rusmap, TSM, MHA and many others.
Compatible with all map DLCs.

Changes in 3.2
Updated for 1.33 & Baltic DLC
Vegetation improvements

Place Late Autumn/Early Winter above sound mods in Mod Manager to remove summer sounds like insect noises.

Recommended settings
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Late Autumn/Early Winter is a weather and graphics mod so other graphics, weather and HDR mods should be disabled to avoid conflicts, issues and crashes.
If you are using Next-Gen then only use the base part of that mod.
Late Autumn/Early Winter should be given a HIGH priority in Mod Manager.



13 thoughts on “Late Autumn/Early Winter v 3.2

  1. Arizona Chicken

    Super! Warte schon sehnsüchtig drauf. Du bist der Beste! ?

  2. The best !!!!
    Thanks !!!!

  3. ohja! definitiv beste HerbstMod! die versionen vorher bin ich schon zu gerne gefahren! megaGute Arbeit 😉

  4. Thanks Grimes

  5. I wonder if someone can make a Realistic Graphics compatibility addon? I know there has been one before but it was version 1.2 or something ancient like that

  6. Vielen vielen dank Grimes wieder mal eine tolle mod
    Danke danke
    Ich würde dich gern um was bitten. Deine Winter Schnee mod geht ganix mehr die Crasht kannst du die irgend wie wieder ans laufen bringen ? das wäre toll wenn ich zu Weihnachten wieder durch den Schnee fahren könnte. Danke °__°

    1. Hallo, Zuputo,
      Grimes arbeitet an den Updates seiner Mods. Einfach ein wenig
      gedulden und immer mal auf seine Seite schauen. 😉

  7. Hab diese Mod heute installiert, leider mit Mario Map 12.7 1.33 incompatible Game Crasht bei Base part 1 old Model

    Andere Maps hab ich nicht getestet

  8. Galaxi Mane

    Don’t work for me

  9. Leo costa

    I’ve made all as was said, and it crashes the game!!! my version is Thx!

  10. Very good mod, now i waiting for the winter 😀

  11. This mod gives me a crash in Sweden i’m on version

  12. Hello! 1.34.x update please! 🙂

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