Version 2.2:
– Changed all motors, now there is are 4 original R6 and one V10 motor with exact torque and horsepower
– Added badges 19 for 4×2, 26 for 6×4/2, 33 for 6×4, also motor badges 314, 364, 414, 464 and 603
– Added v 10 sideskirt for 6×4 and 6×4/2, and cage sideskirts are original rearlights and wheelcases
– Added 6×4 and 6×4/2 exhausts on left and right side
– Removed the ugly second steering wheel and the driver from cab
– Added aerokit for xl cab in rearparts, there is also a version for xxl cab but thats just addpoints for positionlights
– Added licens plate to truck, now you can drive with your own
– Adjust frontgrills
– Added window grill as seperat point with exterior and interior model of “Steinschlagschutz”
– Added interior for xl and xlx cab
– Improved shadows and colors of truck, all colorable parts have now the same color, before the frontskirt was a bit darker than the other parts
– xxl cab have xxl shadows, xlx cab have xlx shadows and xl cab have xl shadows
xl shadows
– Add more tuningparts
– Add my own bdf version to this truck, 4×2, 6×4, 6×4/2 an 8×4 + haevy haul version
– Add template for cabin and chassi(sideskirt)
Authors: Chech, Indomable, StAfFordShIrE, tasos978, Volidas, Kriechbaum, Mrtheflashback, SCS
Brilliant, excellent job. Thank u very much for sharing this mod.
Yes,the download link works well,you need to login in your Youtube account.If you don’t have a Youtube account,login in your Facebook or Twitter account.
Ich werde mich dort sicher nicht mit FB oder so anmelden…also entweder ein Downloadlink, den man ohne Anmeldung nutzen kann..oder halt nicht. Wäre aber schade um den LKW, denn ich finde Version 2.0 schon echt gut.
Ich versteh nur nicht, warum hier fast alle solche bescheuerten Hoster benutzen müssen.. ~.~
Ganz einfach. ich habe seit 5 tagen versucht den dreck auf mediafire zippyshare rapidshare und sharemods hochzuladen. 4shared war das einzige was auf anhieb ging. Wenn du nen besseren weisst, immer her damit.
I can’t download it. i Can’t register or login through Facebook or anything like that. New link please??
Dropbox or Google Drive or SkyDrive
Thx i try it ^^
also danke für den tipp mit 7zip, is jetz 100 mb kleiner. werde es gleich noch ma hoch laden.
woowww!! 🙂 good work
I upped it, better links.
Has so many .scs files in there, brah. Not sure everything will work allright on 1.9.x.
DL –
Guys you are the best. Thanks a lot ^^
It works on 1.9 and steam version 1.9.24.
Instructions are in the “read me” file ^^
Yes …
Thks a lot for this Truck my friend !!
What have changed ure opinion since last upload.
I don’t wanna sound like a hater of some kind, but this truck gives me kind of a “plastic” feeling. Not as bad as famous “Brazilian” style we could see here, but still…
wie wäre es mit da muss man weningstens nicht akzeptieren ausspioniert zu werden, frechheit!
hat sich erledigt weiter unten sind andere links zu finden. uploaded is ausserdem der letzte müll. 30 kb dl-speed und 3h wartezeit auf den nächsten dl. lass mal deine verbindung abkacken aus irgend einem grund, dann sitzte erstma 3 h und dann findstes nich mehr so toll …
I have a question as it’s called from the paint truck
Can you make the steinschlagschutz for daf xf 105 please