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You Must Have TSM Map 5.1.2 !!
-left traffic
-addon road on UK
-addon 15 city
-small road
TSM Team, SCS Software, Denny Ch Pratama, and more in file map
thanks gan donald mapnya
Gan download tsm mapnya dimana?
can u make this standalone?
udah rilis aja nih..lanjutkan mas gan..hee ๐
videonya dong gaan
Hello. This looks interesting. I don’t remember ever seeing a recent map add-on on the England side of the map before. I guess I’ll take a break from Eastern Express map to try this out. Thanks.
mantab mas gan.. ^^
pake versi 1,12,1 work ga gan
heylu gabisa baca ya
sorry gan gak di periksa dulu
lanjutkan karyannya mas donal ๐
Keren mapnya mas donald,lanjutkan ๐
makasih mas.. ๐
mas donal map nya mantep mas, mas saya minta izin mas buat minta tempat pecel lelenya boleh nggak? nanti saya kreditin juga mas donalnya
gan download tsm 5.1.2 dimana?
Hello. Short delivery run on this map add-on is done…
In viewing the map, there are some cities…. Athina, Essen, Cairo, Arhus that are already part of the TSM map that are duplicated in this map add-on. In my map, these duplicated cities are shown discovered because I’ve already discovered these cities within the TSM map. So, I don’t know how or if this will effect game-play on this map add-on.
Work with Rusmap 1.3.5?
Just an update. Somehow, I had the loading of the files wrong in my mod folder. I think I corrected it & different cities are now showing up where duplicated names were. Continuing exploring the map. Sorry about that. My mistake.
If you have the Rus map added in TSM already, it seems all works together. TSM, RUS MAP & this add-on is showing up fine on my TSM map. Please confirm.
At first look they work without problems
Enjoy ๐
following the tutorial they ask to disable two files SCS of TSM map … So in the game appears the name of cities Indonesian … But not all TSM MAP … in really the TSM doesn’t work
With all files TSM activated the cities indonesian appears with same names of others cities in the TSM map.
sorry, rightnow i using def tsm map, so you can’t combine with tsm map..
if you like, next update i will fix this problem..
thanks for using indonesian map ๐
Hello its looks like a realy nice map but i have two problems no original city names and most important problem i have is its not conected to the map in game how to drive to that site of the map the indian site from the uk site and back plaese can you fix that ??? Greeting from jd
work 1.12 ?
ya, recomended ๐
i build map on version 1.12
Seneng nemu gan dari Indonesia yg buat map ets2
Kalo bisa, mapnya buat standalone, soalnya Indonesia jauh banget dari Europe/Eropa, kecuali kalo mau buat Airport link dari Bandara di Greece/Yunani di kota Athens ke Bandara SoekarnoโHatta di Jakarta.
Kalo mudik gw #### lewat jalur selatan, hehehe, yang macet parah.
Hello , all ,
I ยดve Play this map now a Little bit , there are good lokking ideas .you must read how it is to install , if you doing not , there will be no Connection to the two Points in England . i have the 1 3 5 er rus map also , went well , but you canยดt drive on the south of the TSM , because if the Connection of the -indonesian- are well , the TSM south conectionpoints arenยดt . and otherwise if you install the TSM in the right with all , you can drive the TSM but there are no connectionpoints of the indonesian and there is no Ferry-Point in the indonesian map ? so , but the map is Little but very good , sometimes the mapper make it complet to the TSM ?? that were a great Thing . but i will thank a lot , it make a lot of fun two drive , there are a lot of super ideas in the map , thank you and go on .
Thomas aus Berlin
@Roseduck: I am currently using def tsm map, next time i will add new def city to be able to work with tsm. ๐
Hello. @Marco Bornatoviski. Thanks I did notice that. At 1st, I was afraid that if I disable the 2 TSM map files, I thought I would have had problems running the whole map. For the time being though……another delivery run is completed……
Thanks for sharing let’s wait new versions ๐
Gameplay http://youtu.be/sZef5ctqsPo
From Plymouth & Glasgow there seems to be no connection to the map, what I can see anyways to your map using TSM.
Hello. For the time being, I decided to go free roaming & deal with the naming of the cities at a later time. This free roam run broken down into 4 parts should give an idea on how the map is & game-play.
If you really want a challenge with this map add-on, go for a long chassis truck combined with extended length trailer such as a baobab tree trailer or something else of that type of length.
Other that that, it’s a great map & big thanks to the map authors for adding in the download a pictures tutorial on how to install the map. Looking forward to future updates.
Keren, mantap gan, demen ane map begini, bikin yang luas gan. ๐
some route of this map
Sorry if this was a duplicate post,
Hello. For the time being, I decided to go free roaming & deal with the naming of the cities at a later time. This free roam run broken down into 4 parts should give an idea on how the map is & game-play.
If you really want a challenge with this map add-on, go for a long chassis truck combined with extended length trailer such as a baobab tree trailer or something else of that type of length.
Other that that, itโs a great map & big thanks to the map authors for adding in the download a pictures tutorial on how to install the map. Looking forward to future updates.
wau,very very nice map ๐
thanks hynek? ๐
need link for bus from vide?
Thanks !!
when comes new version where can use all tsm parts
you can combine with tsm for next update..
but not for now ๐
gan, buat standalone dong, ane juga #### edit2 map ets2 tapi banyakan erornya, haha
btw, ada link gak mod bis yg setir kanan itu?
klo standalone percuma juga gan, soalnya ane pake model dari TSM.. hehe
error apa nya gan?
klo mod bis indonesia statusnya setau ane masih privat gan ๐
error di traffic light atau pas road work gitu susah setingnya, kasih tutorial dong… hehe, lagi bikin map jateng nih dari scs standar…
klo dikasih traffic light crash atau mau nambahin traffic light gan?
error gimana emangnya?
klo engga kirim ss nya via fb aja ๐
Gostei muito deste adom do mapa Ets2,parabens,continue assim…
bagemana cara browse fright market di kotanya gan? ane ga bs scroll ke kiri..
gan.. kok jalanya terputus ya gan? akses ke map indonesianya gk bisa ..mohon kasih solusinya terima kasih gan.. great map..
rename “def – map indonesia.scs” jadi “zzz.def – map indonesia.scs”
Bravo agan Donal..Lanjutkan ๐ ijin sedoott
your a danger man on the road
Punya sya kok malah crash y gan
Thanks for the awesome map! Through the small road in the jungle which is my fravorite. It seems to me this map is better than TSM map. ๐
haha.. thanks ๐
can release new version beta version before 1.14.x game version relased
i has not progges, maybe next month ๐
as the map exactly poลonczyฤ with the map tsm and is updated indonesia map
if it is updated or you can link to a map
gan jalan menuju map Indonesia dari plymouth kok putus ya? ada solusinya gak?
gan jalan menuju peta Indonesia yg di plymouth kok putus ya,ada solusinya gak??
file TSM_Map_5_def&mat.scs & TSM_Map_5_map.scs jangan di pake dulu gan..
atau rename “Def – Map Jalur Selatan.scs” jadi “zzzzDef – Map Jalur Selatan.scs”
I am using map just for fun.
There is a problem with the junction of the maps. TSM first arises, there is a connection error with UK. Indonesia first arises, there is a connection error in the northern part of Italy – simply disappear streets.
There are cities with duplicate names and in wrong places and if a player starts in one of them in the Indonesian region, actually ends up being directed to a part of the TSM map with the city of the same name.
I would rather have had to take seriously, an air connection between any part of the Indonesian SST and the real map, it is absurd the existence of Indonesia’s side of UK, but is a very good job and correcting these two errors will have many fans.
@modder map. can u create a threat in http://forum.scssoft.com/viewforum.php?f=3?
No one truck’s mod is recognized, simply do not exist in game
some issues until “********** The log file exceeded its limit size, truncated.”
00:00:24.619 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.arhus (given link already exists)
00:00:24.619 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.arhus (given link already exists)
00:00:24.622 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.bari (given link already exists)
00:00:24.622 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.bari (given link already exists)
00:00:24.628 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.gabes (given link already exists)
00:00:24.628 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.gabes (given link already exists)
00:00:24.630 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.albi (given link already exists)
00:00:24.630 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.albi (given link already exists)
00:00:24.630 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.biskra (given link already exists)
00:00:24.630 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.biskra (given link already exists)
00:00:24.632 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.buy_garage.bilbao (given link already exists)
00:00:24.632 : Unable to set the garage link name: kdop_link.garage.bilbao (given link already exists)
00:00:24.641 : Map successfully loaded.
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638E190B97F on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D063821C0B983 on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638D340B987 on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638E3C0B989 on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D063881E0B98B on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D06385930B98D on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638C950B99B on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D06387F00B99D on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.661 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638DA50B99F on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.662 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638B030B9A7 on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.662 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638E7A0B9A9 on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.662 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638E590B9AB on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.662 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D0638FCD0B9B1 on prefab 0xB5DC227230D77C
00:00:24.662 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D06384CE0B9BB on prefab 0xB5DC227470D86E
00:00:24.662 : Failed to find slave table item 0x20D063847E0B9BD on prefab 0xB5DC227470D86E
00:00:24.664 : Missing target link for ferry destination! (kdop_link.ferry.genova)
00:00:24.682 : Map load time: 1663ms (169 MB)
00:00:25.119 : Road network navigation caching started.
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(venezia)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to fcp(graz)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to sellplan(venezia)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to posped(graz)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to tradeaux(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to sellplan(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(graz)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to tradeaux(marseille)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(batna)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(nice)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to bcp(perpignan)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to stokes(tangier)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to posped(nice)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to itcc(hebira)!
00:00:25.416 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(gabes)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to stokes(bologna)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to transinet(livorno)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to stokes(redeyef)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to transinet(tripoly)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(redeyef)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to bcp(livorno)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(roma)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to stokes(casablanca)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to tradeaux(meknes)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to stokes(roma)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(tangier)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(hebira)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to tradeaux(nice)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to lkwlog(venezia)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(trieste)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to trameri(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to fcp(tripoly)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to posped(taza)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to fcp(graz)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to bcp(roma)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to eurogoodies(venezia)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to posped(marseille)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to sellplan(venezia)!
00:00:25.417 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to bcp(rabat)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to tree_et(graz)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(meknes)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to eurogoodies(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to posped(oujda)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to tradeaux(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to bcp(perugia)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to sellplan(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to trameri(firenze)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to lkwlog(venezia)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to lkwlog(graz)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to itcc(zuwarah)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to trameri(klagenfurt)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to tradeaux(biskra)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to tradeaux(marseille)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to fcp(graz)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to stokes(firenze)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to lkwlog(batna)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to eurogoodies(venezia)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to lkwlog(perugia)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to trameri(nice)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to sellplan(venezia)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to euroacres(redeyef)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to bcp(ioannina)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to tree_et(graz)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.posped.london to bcp(perpignan)!
00:00:25.418 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.eurogoodies.reims to transinet(elhamma)!
00:00:25.419 : Unable to find route from: company.volatile.kaarfor.bern to eurogoodies(klagenfurt)!
at this time this map can not combined with map of TSM, the TSM 5.1.2 used only the model and prefab course..
remove the TSM_Map_5_defs&mat.scs & TSM_Map_5_map.scs of your mod folder and see if it error still exist?
or you can see the picture ‘tutor3’ in a file ETS2 Map Jalur Selatan 1.3 by donal.rar ๐
Thanks Bro Map nya , Oiya Gua Mau Nanya , Lu Udah Join Ke ETSGI Belum ? Gua Udah Isi Formulirnya Tapi Ko Ga Di Respon Ya -_-
Mau Extract zzz.model_map pake password ya gan.tu apa password nya
mas donal map nya mantep mas, mas saya minta izin mas buat minta tempat pecel lelenya boleh nggak? nanti saya kreditin juga mas donalnya
mas, kalo map indonesianya pilih kota yang mana atau negara yang mana di pilihan mapnya. terimakasih.
semoga sukses selalu.
Gan kok ETS2 ane malah jdi Crahs sih ada yg Punya solusi kgk. apa gra2 Versinya yg terbaru yg ane pke versi 1.14.2? emang harusnya yg V berapa?
mas kok crash pas di loading nya? saya make ETS 2 Versi 1.14.2, ada solusinya ga?
Gkcocok versinya mas… palingan dia bisa versi 1.13 sama 1.12 itu stau saya
Gan,kok ets ane crash pas loading? Ets ane v1.11.1 TSM map 5.1.2..
Gan mohon bantuannya dong. Kok Mapnya crash ya pas loading? Apa perlu koneksi menggunakan steam ya?
Crash di loading screen, ane make v 1.15.1
gan donal map yang cocok buat pasangan map jalur selatan kira2 map apa lg ya ?? trmksh
none of the 3 map files that i downloaded worked, he first one didnt shop up at all, and the other 2 crash my game
gan 1.15.1 bisa gk ?
mas ini bisa gak buat versi 1.15.1
mas ini bisa gk di versi 1.16.2
bang kok gx ada TSM MAP nya yh solusinya donk
you mother is goal keeper!!!!!
you hand naughty!!!!!!
ini bisa buat versi 1.8 ga
1.15 workgak mas?
dapetin TSM map-nya dimana?
1.15.1 work gk mas..??
gn numpang nyeedot mp nya ya….sebelum nya terima kssih mas donal…..
Gan kok Crash Ayas pakek Ver 1.16.2 emang ntuh buat ver. Brape ??
bisa di v 1.20 gak ??
how i used to enjoy this map, any chance that it might be updated to work with the new 1.21 version please mate……Thumps up
un robo de todo un poco.
gan, aku download kok gak ada file TSM Map 5.1.2 ??
Please makes map support for ets 2 v1.22.2, this is beautiful map..
I want to use it, but crash on this version..
mas Donal, kok saya main di ETS2 v1.22 kok crash terus waktu loading ya? mohon bantuannya mas
hola buenas necesito una gran ayuda tengo el euro truck simulator 2 en la version 1.22.2 con el TSM 6 y pongo el mod y no me entra cuando lo activo me saca fuera del juego y me pone que deja de funcionar tengo que desactivarlo hay alguna solucion para que este mapa me funcione mi face es mi nombre entero para contactar
Ini cocok buat ets versi 1.1.1 gak? Gan jawab pliss..
Ini sangat cocok
Good lanjutkan
bang paswordnya ap ya
bang kenapa selalu keluar
boss what is the pasword
gan. di pathc versi 130 work nga ?
saya udah mutar browsing cari map sumatra untuk pathc v 130 tapi nga ketemu”.
tolong petunjuk nya gan.
gan cara makainya gimana, koq crash trus mod nya di aktifkan