Mercedes Actros MP 4v Alfa

Author: DANZ D3Z Design


34 thoughts on “Mercedes Actros MP 4v Alfa

  1. Thank you. Super truck.

  2. not working?? πŸ™

  3. not working either. Any ideas why not?

  4. Freddy Jimmink

    Maybe teh ETS2 version? I tested the truc on vs. and it runs okay,



    1. Freddy Jimmink

      Sorry for 2nd reply, but i mean maybe it is the EST2 version? I tested the truck in version and it runs well

      ( my keyboard didn’t do what i wanted it to do)

  5. Me verzion : 1.2.5 .. πŸ™‚ Not Work:(

  6. Freddy Jimmink

    You can not buy it by all MB Dealers, You have to buy it in Stuttgart, there is only 1 type MB replaced by the MP4 and You will see MP3 Interior,



  7. Can you please make a interior as the real for it ? It would be so nice. I love the truck, good work my friend πŸ™‚

  8. i’m in love

  9. You can’t change colour of mirrors , Interior Is Same As MP3 And you can’t change colour?

  10. I vote scania…but now..ohmmmmm i prefer this beauty!!!Very #### and power looking truck..Make the interior like the real one and the truck will be the best..Nice Job!!

  11. Big thanks to Freddy Jimmink for this mod sharing πŸ™‚

  12. Can you please make a interior as the real for it ?..pls:)

  13. Interior please !!!!!

  14. Freddy Jimmink

    Thanks Admin i did it with pleasure,

    The color is in 3 colors changeble, the interior i
    can’t make, sorry, i discovered that the truck is skinable, but You have to do it like in ETS, this means: Open the scs, select vehicle/truck/mercedes_2012/ and make your skin, after finishing, store the dds and choose in game white color,

    Lots of succes,



  15. the model is great,too bad about interior,but I have problem when I put mod in game all lights in game are blurry and strange,all lights,streets lamps,traffic,wehicle lights?

    1. Same here.

  16. Freddy Jimmink

    Strange, but it is not made by me, maybe use flarepack? That will help sometimes



  17. Markus Srihardi

    Nice Truck Thanks

  18. Very nice. Thank you πŸ™‚

  19. This has worked very well for the truck but need to be interior Real I hope to work on interior

  20. Found a bug for me at least, lights getting brighter with this mod for all truck..


  22. Great mod.
    Few things to change/fix:
    1. Increase fuel tank to real capacity (up to 1420 l with two tanks).
    2. High beams always glow with the low beams, only change intensity when turned ON, they should be separated (high beams should not glow unless turned ON).
    3. Painted mirrors.
    4. Bluetec 6 logo and euro 6 engines.
    5. Interior, if possible (probably not, as stated).

  23. Definitely bug with lights

  24. it has bug

  25. nice work. but all(city,roads,truck..) lights is very strong…

  26. just remove the “model” folder from the *scs file, which contains the flare model *dds that’s causing all the so called “bugs”
    it’s like you people have never seen a *scs file…..pathetic

    1. CTD when i do so.

  27. Johan Wiqvist

    I will not be know as a ‘police’, but comment like this I have hard to find usefull and I think they ruin a great site.

  28. Amazing truck, thank buddy. Just left side driver?

  29. How to stop the time the merchandise?
    or how Delivery manipulate time?
    or manipulate “game.sii”?

  30. hi.nice truck .very good

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