Mercedes Antos Truck
Looks very good
Find it in Mercedes Benz dealer
Don’t have interior, but later I will make Interior
Author: Sumotro
Mercedes Antos Truck
Looks very good
Find it in Mercedes Benz dealer
Don’t have interior, but later I will make Interior
Author: Sumotro
The Antos is from “D3S/Danz” !!
..and this pic is stealen from the Facebook-group “D.E.T.A”
no, this Antos Oleg-Verhovodov and stas556
FAKE !!!
######…Some people doesn´t know what is PRIVATE…stealing photos and uploads fakes…heroes..My Mercedes was here too…just REPORT!!!
Where i find this trailer?
anyway this is crash
I was just excited to see if the new antos from danz was really released. But it finally came up with more disappointment. Copyrights are vanished!