Mercedes Benz Actros MP4

Mercedes-Benz-Actros-MP-4-1 Mercedes-Benz-Actros-MP-4-2

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Mercedes Benz Actros MP4 Truck

Authors: DanZ, Ch_Vitalik


20 thoughts on “Mercedes Benz Actros MP4

  1. Whats new?

  2. What’s new?

    1. no new, it is old version from october 2013

  3. Is this with interior ?

  4. Is it so hard to see ?

  5. interior?

    1. AndreiGaurean

      it has its own interior

      1. thanks

  6. It has metallic paint?

  7. steve white

    Personally I don’t think most mod authors will release new trucks until after 1.14 drops – why release a mod before when SCS is about to bring out mid and rear lift chassis options?

    1. that mod is old, is not new is from 2013 october

    2. I agree

  8. Steve_the_trucker

    It does state that it’s been tested on 1.13 version, which obviously the older mod wasn’t.

  9. GhostrickAll

    SCS will bring to us DAF XF Euro 6 and its magnificent chassis lifted up on 1.14 patch and they said they are working on Mercedes MP4


    I think This is a new mod cause the other one had curtains in the truck. Thanks for taking them out I hate curtains. Please moders when you make trucks don’t put curtains in them, makes it hard to look out the window.

  11. right handed interior just not at the right place … the truck its way too far to the right not like we see on the 1 camera

  12. This mod is really good !! i like it

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