Mercedes Benz Sprinter CDI315

Mercedes-Benz-Sprinter-CDI315-1 Mercedes-Benz-Sprinter-CDI315-2 Mercedes-Benz-Sprinter-CDI315-3

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It seems this model because I littering drive can edit the interior because something is wrong with GPS
but it is impossible to fix it.

Author: klolo901


8 thoughts on “Mercedes Benz Sprinter CDI315

  1. Thanks for video

  2. Freddy Jimmink

    The same truck with Original credits, + Interior fix by Freddy Jimmink

  3. Can i get a template for the van please

  4. How to load this mod in game?

  5. PLEASE UPDATE FOR ETS2 v1.23. Thanks!

  6. nie działa gre mi wybija do windows.POMOCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. WarthogCC

    This mod is great. But it was marked incompatible with the 1.26 update. Please update.

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