Mercedes MP4 2014 Free Camera

Free Camera-3 Free Camera-2 Free Camera-1

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Hi, this is a mod for more camera to shoot videos that we can set where we want
By Diablo I satan19990 and I only proportioned to the Mercedes MP4

Authors: satan19990, Diablo


8 thoughts on “Mercedes MP4 2014 Free Camera

  1. Diablo to nie działa.
    This mod is not working.

    1. what does not work, you have the video check in the highest booth

  2. Possible to get it for the scania rjl aswell?

  3. Check out how it will deliver

  4. I fixed now works on all cabins and standard and exclusive

  5. Właśniej miałem pisać abyś zrobił na wszystkie kabiny. Podzienkował. 🙂

  6. Бестoлкoвый мoд.Считаю,чтo oн пригoдился-бы для мoделирoвания,а не для игры.

  7. sljiva_fh

    Can you make for Scania RJL 1.3?

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