The new suspension settings for all Trucks
– Truck is not easily tip over or capsized during a high speed except hit
– Easily controlled when cornering at high speed
– The brake force increase
– For best results use the limiting speed, Maximum speed is 125km/h already available in the game_data
– You can simply select the sii in the gameplay menu
– Truck speed is very slow in the beginning and feels very heavy
Authors: nIGhT-SoN, Gustav Rhan, Agus2an, Ian Gancak
not work
no no she work
Does It Work On 1.9.x
no va en la versión es en documentos/euro truck simulator 2/mod no?
así es y luego activar dentro del juego, yo uso y tampoco me funcionó…
also works on update 19 I’ve tested in 19.5 s beta update
Video With This Mod
I Love This Mod. I Do Find Though That Speed Sometimes Drops Quickly And Takes Time To Speed Up Again. Stays At Certain Speed Before Climbing
not work on ! 🙁
untuk update versi berikutnya, file yang digunakan dari versi hanya disesuaikan supaya setir tidak terlalu liar dan kabin tidak terlalu goyah . Saat ini dalam masa uji coba
Indonesian to English (powered by Microsoft Translator)
to update the next version, files used from version tailored so that the steering wheel only not too wild and cabin not too wobbly. Currently in trial period