Original Trucks from the Base Folder for Modders

Original Trucks from the Base Folder for Modders

This is not a Mod!

All Trucks included
Except the Mercedes Benz 2014.

Authors: SCS, Raz0rMind


14 thoughts on “Original Trucks from the Base Folder for Modders

  1. Thanks a lot! Very helpful, no need to extract base.scs 😉 Can you make this with trailers please? Thanx 🙂

    1. Raz0rMind

      in process. 🙂

  2. Arne Gravdahl

    Nice work, although I actually don’t need this. But I want to know; which file in the truck map can I change the buying price? If any can tell me that, It would be very nice.

    1. Raz0rMind

      I think you can change it with ETS Studio.

      1. Arne Gravdahl

        I’ve dl’ed Ets2 Studio, but can’t see any places to change the price of the trucks. I have tried all possible places and got some changes in the game, but not the price. If you know where, please tell me. 🙂

    2. You don’t need ETS 2 Studio. ;)… Just, Notepad from Windows or (better) Notepad ++ (more powerful) and “def” game folder. If you don’t know how to extract the def folder (same for base folder), just follow the steps bellow (A part). If you already know, just skip this part and go to B part):

      A. Extract the def (base) folder:
      1. Download the extractor SCS archive (scs_extractor archive.scs [output_path]) from official ETS 2 site:
      2.Make a folder wherever you want on your PC and unzip the scs_extractor there (to unzip it, you can use a free program like 7 zip),;
      3. Copy in your new folder on PC the “def” file from game directory (same for “base” file, if you want to make your own mods). To find the “def” file, for Steam users, go to Steam/right click on ETS 2 game/Advanced settings/Local folders/View local folders…
      For Non-Steam users, just right click on ETS 2 game desktop icon and choose the option “Open folder location”;
      4. Then, just drag and drop the “def” file over your scs_extractor and (in a second) you’ll see a small black window (like “cmd” ones) and the extractor will start to extract the game “def” file. It takes only a minute or a few minutes (depend or your PC power)…

      B. To change the amount for buying a truck (only after you already extracted the “def” game file):
      1. Go to:
      def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros2014 (for instance; choose whatever truck you want from original game or mod)/chassis/6x2_taglift.sii (for instance; same here: choose whatever chassis you want to change the price from original game or mod);
      2. In “6x2_taglift.sii” (for instance; same for every other chassis), just change the line, named… “price” : )…:
      price: 42120 (for instance)
      to whatever amount you want:
      price: 1 (for instance)… ;)…
      3. Then, pack (archive) the folder above (for instance) in a mod (if you make a new mod; if you use an exist mod, just overwrite the “.sii” file):
      When you archive it, just use “Store” (compression level) and “.scs” at the end of your whatever name you want to have your mod. For instance, your packed mod should look like this:

      Wasn’t hard, isn’t it? ;)… Much to say then made!;)… Same, you can look and play with any other “.sii” files from def folder, to make your own mods!;)… For instance, you can change the default game start money with your desire amount, from:
      def/initial_save/normal/game.sii -> and inside of it:
      money_account: 2000 -> into:
      money_account: 90000000 (for instance)
      Pack entire folder (def/intial_save/normal/game.sii) as Store and “.scs” termination. Add many zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in front of your mod (like this, the game will overwrite the default game “game.sii” or others mod.
      Warning: To change the start money works ONLY to a new profile, not existing ones!;)..
      Good luck and take care man.

      P.S. I forgot to mention (in case that you don’t know how to do it, of course): the “.sii” file can be open with right click on any “.sii” file -> Open with… -> Choose Notepad / Notepad ++ as default program (check the “Always use the selected program…” option)

      1. Arne Gravdahl

        Thanks. I understand that method. But will that change the buying price for that truck or for only that chassis?
        My point is that I want to change the buying price.

        1. To avoid stealing this thread with this problem, I’ve started a thread in the forum under Help, questions.

          So we can take this problem there. 🙂

          Ps: This is Arne Gravdahl. 🙂

        2. Your welcome. Only for chassis. I understood your question, but I forgot to mention that you should change the amount of money on each ones )accessories, engine etc) they are “present by default” in the truck dealer shop. You’ll see all of them in:
          \def\vehicle\truck_dealer\mercedes\mercedes_0.sii (for instance)
          So, for instance, to buy a truck with 20000 Euro, you can have something like this:
          – def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/chassis/4x2a.sii -> and inside of it, the price: 10000;
          – /def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/cabin/megaspace.sii -> and inside of it, the price: 5000;
          – /def/vehicle/truck/mercedes.actros/interior/standard.sii -> and inside of it, the price: 1000…
          And so on, till the TOTAL amount of all of them will give you the desire final price (20000 Euro, for instance)!;)…
          Don’t forget to change on each one (under price) the “unlock” level, to have them access to option to buy your truck from first level. ;)…
          Also, if you want from first level to buy online a truck (not necessary to visit a truck dealer, just discover it), just change in:
          def/ conomy_data.sii -> the truck_count_for_online: 5 in truck_count_for_online: 0

          In my opinion, the easy to do this it’s to change the money_account, from:
          “def/initial_save/normal/game.sii” as I described above. There are many advantages of this method, like:
          1. you won’t spend any time to change all values;
          2. you can buy a truck or more trucks / garages etc whenever you want, even from beginning;
          3. you can buy a truck from beginning, even if that mod it’s locked (it’s a password on mod, so you can’t change any of those values) etc.

          Of course, if you play this game more / only as a game and not as a truck / car driving simulator, and you want to “feel” your company growing, then you should follow the first method (with default ETS2 amount, 2000) and change it all prices inside of that mod (truck). And, if it’s locked by its creators, just wait till you’ll have that amount of money to buy it!;)… It’s up to you which method you’ll use… Personally, because I use this game only for driving (cars), I prefer the second method (with money_account:99999999). And to “feel” like in real life driving, where (for me) only traffic situations counts, I changed (increased) all “fine_amounts” in “police_data.sii” ;)… For, instance, I have the following:
          fine_amounts[0]: 45000000 # car crash
          fine_amounts[1]: 150000 # avoid sleeping
          fine_amounts[2]: 5000000 # wrong way
          fine_amounts[3]: 5500000 # speeding (camera)
          fine_amounts[4]: 150000 # no lights during night
          fine_amounts[5]: 35000000 # red lights
          fine_amounts[6]: 5500000 # speeding
          So, as you can see, if I’ll make even a few big traffic mistakes (accident, red light, speeding), I’ll be very fast in a bankrupt situation. ;)… I never hire a driver and for each finished job I changed the amount in just: 10 Euro/ job (because, sometimes, I like to travel with my trailers for cars or with the Jeep’s trailer)!:)… So, as you can see, this method allow me to buy any new mod car from beginning, but, most of all (to avoid bankruptcy), to drive safe, like in real life. ;)…
          Good luck and take care man.

          1. That was what I did. I changed the prices of the accessories which is at the truck at beginning. Then repack it, and get an error in the log. Hmm. But we can take this in the forum, since I have started a thread there.

          2. By some funny reason, if I repack it as zip, and not rar, it working, and the price was changed.

            So finally, now I can change the prices for the trucks. 🙂

  3. а подкажите куда эти папки кидать

    1. Raz0rMind

      English. Im from Germany not from Russland. Thanks. 🙂

  4. Raz0rMind

    Thanks for 593 Downloads!


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