Mass: 260 tons
-If you wanna change the truck skin you can find it in “CONVOI TRUCK”=vehicle>trailer_eu>mercedes>company_paint_job. For the template you can use scs template
-put “1,2,or 3 truck (just one)” above main mod if you wanna some truck pulling your trailer in the back
-put “ballast trailer” above main mod if you wanna using ballasted truck
Im not good about talk and reviewing
So, if you find something wrong just tell me.
dont forget to visit my page if you wanna more unique mods:
If you like my work you can send little donation, your kindness will help me release more free mods 🙂
Ben Affhandy
Ben Affhandy, Blade1974, Yasin28n, Roadhunter, Jazzycat
HD Video test 1.36
Check out B.A. Workshop’s FB page for Special Transport fix. This one here doesn’t have special transport version of it. Yet, it has only industrial cable reel available
Test Video…
Mr German ?? you are a parasite .. looking for a TRUE job ..
has already put the video “Neranjana” why do you put it too ?? HOMEBOY.
what is youre problem? most test of Mr Germantruck are helpfull and good tests.
nice but less is sometimes more
I can not activate the mod, please give the video link
Gave up trying to get hooked up on a job with this. You need to limit the jobs to places that can actually handle the size of the rig. Otherwise quite a good mod
Brauch man ein DLC
it’s completely useless to make trailers also oversized because you know just unplayable
sorry about that problems im just trying make something different here
Нафига он такой нужен. Дальше своей базы никуда по габаритам и весу не проедешь
Hd video 1.36…
Trully nice 1, but really unplayable!
There is something I don’t undertand with this mod. There are 3 files (ballast trailer, convoi truck and mega industrial cable). Do I have to add them all in the mod file so it appear in the game?
delete everything
and just put this on
Leider funktioniert diese geile Mod nicht mit Promods!
Gibt es dazu irgendwie ein Fix bzw. ist wasgeplant?
Unfortunately, this awesome mod does not work with promods!
Is there somehow a fix or is something planned?
even scania 730hp and volvo 750hp can’t handle this load.. XD
I don’t know how to take this semi-trailer because I’m not showing it anywhere, please help
Trully nice 1, but really unplayable!
hi downloaded the mmod but I can’t find it and also with the translator or followed the instructions but I can’t find it if you can kindly give me the exact order of how the files are to be put, thanks
Mod order:
1 truck; 2 truck; or 3 truck; ONLY ONE FILE ALLOWED
Convoi truck; REQUIRED IF USING 1; 2; or 3 truck.
Ballast trailer; only use this if your are ballast truck ad front.
Mega industrial cable.
This mod is ready for 1.37??? I’d love to use it so I can hear my truck suffer while pulling those 260 tons ?
how do u add the trucks to this i got the trailer but no trucks
looks great..however it seems to no longer work
Thank you bro!
Highly energetiϲ post, I liҝed that a lot. Will
there be a part 2?
Hello, I just discovered your oversized mod, I would like to know how to install it when it is not on steam workshop please.
Hey Otto. In your documents folder you should see the folder euro truck simulator. Inside that folder create another folder called mod and place the mod in that folder. Then just go to mods in-game and activate it.
Hello Noah, thank you for describtion. I already did it, even after few attempts I am not able to get this cargo anywhere and drive with it. May I ask you how to set it up in any company.
BTW does it work with latest version 1.39? Will it work w 1.40?
Where can I find the job? I don’t see it.
to anyone wondering, this mod does not work with versions 1.39 or above. I have not checked 1.38 but that probably too.
ahoj chci se zeptat na aktualizaci na verzi 1.41 diky
wort it 1.43 ?
do i get it right, i can download 2 other mods ( 1 2 or 3 Truck and Ballast trailer ) for additional stuff. . . ?! if so, WHY is there no link to it, i cant find them …
1.45 when???
Wo finde ich denn den auftrag im spiel wenn ich den mod aktivirt habe.
Bin etwas ratlos