Search Results for: tsm

Demstrup Autotransport Scania S Combo

A Scania S Combo of the Danish company demstrup autotransport. Comes with…

Scania S (Eugene rework compatible)

Feldbinder KIP trailer

50k-addons lightboxes

My forum page!
(I take skin requests there.)

Lost Virtual


New Summer Graphics/Weather v3.6

This mod improves the default summer environment & weather and transforms older parts of the map with newer high resolution graphics.

Key Features
Old roads, fields, grass, terrain, sidewalks, kerbs, hedges, railings, treewalls and other textures replaced with higher resolution versions
Low resolution tree models replaced by new ones across maps
More sky textures
More flowery vegetation added
Weather & lighting improvements
HDR Bloom Reduced (default hdr addon also available)
Improved rain & wheel spray

Works with Promods, TSM, Rus Map, MHA, and others.
Works with all map DLC’s

Compatibility latest version: 1.38

Changes in v3.6
Updated for 1.38
Weather improvements
More skyboxes
Darker nights
Low res sidewalks, kerbs, hedges and railings replaced
Many other improvements

Recommended settings
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Please disable other graphics, weather and HDR mods or you may experience issues, conflicts and crashes.
If you are using Next-Gen only use the base part of that mod.
New Summer should be given a high priority in Mod Manager.



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Spring Graphics & Weather Mod v3.6

This is a graphics and weather mod that simulates a spring environment and transforms older parts of the map with newer high resolution graphics.

Old roads, fields, grass, terrain, sidewalks, kerbs, hedges, railings, treewalls and other textures replaced with higher resolution versions
Low resolution tree models replaced by new ones across maps
Spring weather and environment
Spring vegetation
More flowers
More sky textures
Spring daylight hours
HDR reduced (Default HDR addon also available)
Improved rain and wheel spray
Appropriate temperature readings
No harvesters

Compatibility Latest Version: 1.38

Works with Promods, TSM, RusMap, MHA and others.
Compatible with all map DLCs.

Changes in v3.6
Updated for 1.38
Weather improvements
More skyboxes
Darker nights
Low res sidewalks, kerbs, hedges and railings replaced

Recommended settings
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Spring is a weather and graphics mod so other weather, graphics and HDR mods should be disabled.
If you are using Next-Gen only use the base part of that mod.
Spring Weather should be given a HIGH priority in Mod Manager.



Neoplan New Tourliner Euro 6 1.37

Whats Added?
-1 Chassis Added.
-1 Cabin Added.
-Realistic Engine Sound (FMOD) Added.
-17 New Skins Added.
-New Realistic İnterior Added.
-Front Door and Window Animations Added.
-Openable Baggage Added.
-Realistic Suspension Added.
-New Accessories Parts Added.
-Have Fun. 🙂

Model: SCS
Edit-Convert: Polat Yildiran
Parts: TunaK.,Muco38,SİSL
Skins: Emre Turgut,Batuhan,Canserap,Yusuf Temel, Arda İcten

Polat Yıldıran


Frosty Winter Weather Mod v7.4

This high resolution graphics and weather mod simulates winter.

Key Features
Old roads, fields, grass & other textures replaced with higher res versions
Frosty winter weather and environment
Snow/Sleet instead of rain
Random cloudy, foggy and sunny weather
More sky textures
Old tree models replaced by new ones across maps
Frosty road textures
Winter daylight hours and temperatures
HDR bloom reduced
No thunder and lighting
No harvesters
*Heavy Winter, Physics and other addons available for download

*Heavy Winter Addon provides snowy/slushy looking roads and a snow covered landscape with less grass.
*Physics – Makes the roads a little more slippy

Works with Promods, Rus Map, Southern Region, TSM and others, compatible with all map DLCs.

Place Frosty above Realistic Building Lights mod.

Compatibility Latest Version: 1.37

Changes in v7.4
Updated for 1.37
Frostier roads and vegetation
Road texture improvements
Weather improvements
Improved sky texture variation
New Frosty Wheels addon
New Dimmed Headlights addon
New No Foggy Weather addon
Other fixes and improvements

Recommended Settings
HDR: Enabled
Color Correction: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Frosty is a winter weather and graphics mod and is not compatible with other weather, HDR and graphics mods such as RGM, NaturaLux, Project Next-Gen, Filmic Lighting etc.
Frosty should be placed on top in Mod Manager.
If you are also using any of the addons then place them above Frosty.



Late Autumn/Mild Winter v3.6

This is a high resolution graphics and weather mod that simulates a late autumn/mild winter environment and updates the graphics in the older parts of the map.

Old roads, fields, grass & other textures replaced with higher res versions
Random grey sky, foggy and sunny weather
More sky textures
Old tree models replaced by new ones across maps
Improved rain and wheel spray
No thunder or lightning
Leafless vegetation
HDR Bloom reduced
Late Autumn/Mild Winter daylight hours
Appropriate temperature readings
No harvesters

Compatibility latest version: 1.37

Works with Promods, Rusmap, TSM, MHA and many others.
Compatible with all map DLCs.

Changes in 3.6
Updated for 1.37
Improved sky texture variation
Road texture improvements

Recommended settings
HDR: Enabled
Vegetation Detail: High
Grass Density: High

Late Autumn/Mild Winter is a weather and graphics mod so other graphics, weather and HDR mods should be disabled to avoid conflicts, issues and crashes.
If you are using Next-Gen only use the base part of that mod.
Late Autumn/Mild Winter should be given a HIGH priority in Mod Manager.



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