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Volvo FH 2013 Pellet Moine Skin


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Tested on 1.23.x and work perfectly.

In 1942 has begun the adventure of Transport PELLET-Moine.
Specialized in the transport of cheese in refrigerated trucks, the company began modestly with 2 trucks and has acquired over the years by its seriousness, impeccable reputation and currently has a fleet of 35 trucks.
For over 60 years, Pellet-MONK Company specializes in national and international road transport, in full loads and groupage.

An activity logically complemented by its necessary corollary, the dry and cold storage.

Located on the Swiss border, in the heart of Europe, its scope naturally covers not only mainland France and Switzerland, but also Italy, Benelux, Germany, Spain and Portugal. ..

dynamic SMEs, Pellet-Moine makes it a point to continually improve the quality of its customer service, quality already appreciated by big brands that make him confident for a long time.

Author: American-Express


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Volvo F10 8×4 PBA

Volvo F10 8x4 PBA

What would fixed renewed:
– Now brand new a 4×2 chassi is doing
– The 8×4 chassi an extra came Schwertransport growing it.
– Now also mounting points for each car are to get light bracket etc.
– The pages covering the 8×4 would fixed because the tank looked somewhat laterally Rauss.
– The Volvo F10 Intercooler sign on the cooler of – F10 was fitted with a leuchtmat and people t now.
– The navigation system was made a little deeper now depends not so in the disc drinne.
– The pen holder and globe at Bort computer would be removed this is now a screen drinne where man can read the data better.
– The flashing lights are connected to the main transport structure with it.
– Now also a brand new mud flaps on each Chassi. Where it says (Old But nice).
– The pennants were removed in interior Bz in Interieör.
– In interieör would also shutters Distant.
– Now is brand new and in the cabins an illuminated Volvo sign in red to match the interior. lighting
– The 4×2 has chassi auspüffe to get.
– The engines are still revised several times as well as the gear etc weights of chassis.
– Tank content is still matched.
– In the Interior, a radio is available now.
– In the cabin are also new Anntenen were fit instaliert to the radio.
– On the mirrors are now also available Lollipops go with the normal to Lich.
– The mirrors are also suitable to be painted body color.
– Sign new heavy transport, boards, photos were added together.
– A new Interior curtain has been added.
– New lamps from 50k

Authors: Stass556, Chris, Gandorin

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