Peterbilt 351 Edit By TheRustyRagdoll


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Little Tweak To The JSSA-Team´s Fantastic Peterbilt 351!
-Added a Chip Tuned Detroit Diesel Engine with a Exclusive Sound By Kriechbaum and Matt_Streamline.
-Lowered Front Suspension a Bit (it was ridiculously high).
-Tuned front Headlights (some paint was covering it on a corner)
Attention: You might not be able to pull a Trailer with more than 50tons,
because the front lifts up a bit….(i still haven´t figured that out)

Model Credits: JSSA-Team

TheRustyRagdoll; JSSA-Team; Kriechbaum;


11 thoughts on “Peterbilt 351 Edit By TheRustyRagdoll

  1. to fix the front end from lifting go to
    def>vehicle>truck>peterbilt.351>chasis right click on the 6x4a.sii and edit the kerb_weight [0] from 5100.1 to 9100.1

    leave other kerb weights at 2350.1

    I pulled 127,000lbs with no problem

    1. TheRustyRagdoll

      Thanks ill keep that in mind next time!

  2. any way you can edit this mod to have beacon lights on top? thats all its really missing in my eyes… i use this truck for most of my hauls and its really missing the beacons

  3. your weelbase is to short, or just take sleeper of to pull 50+ t

  4. If you are going over 90kph it rolls over in corners, can anyone help me edit the weight or help me do something? Thanks a lot!

    1. try braking before a cornor maybe??

    2. KW_Driver

      if you want to drive a Ferrari, then go play GTA or Forza..

  5. the file is damaged or in unknown format, how can I fix this?

  6. is a Fake ;(

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